Paragraph & Essay

A Village Fair Composition For Class 10 to 5

  • Abdul Aouwal's Profile Picture
  • Abdul Aouwal
  • May 29, 2024
  • 8 min Read

A village fair is a fun and lively event. It happens in the village once a year. People from nearby places come to enjoy the fair. There are many things to see and do at the fair. In this article, you will find essays about a village fair for students of different classes. Each essay shows the joy and excitement of a village fair.

A Village Fair Essay

A fair that is held in the village is called a village fair. It is a traditional occasion of village life. It is a great source of recreation. It sits in an open field or at the marketplace. It also sits at the bank of a river or canal. It is commonly held once a year. It is generally held on the occasion of a religious festival or on the Bengali new year's day. It lasts for a day or a week. Toys, wooden utensils, earthen pots, baskets, cosmetics, etc. are sold here. There are some special attractions in the village fair. The most attractive items are circus parties, Jatra parties, puppet shows, magic shows, etc. These give amusements to the children and adult people. Children buy toys, kites, flutes and sweetmeats from the village fair. A village fair has some demerits too. Sometimes gamblers play gambling. It harms the youth. Pickpocketers also take the opportunity in the midst of the crowd. In spite of having some demerits, it has some educative and traditional values. It bears the testimony of the tradition.

Picture of A Village Fair

Picture of A Village Fair

A Village Fair Essay

Topics Covered: Introduction, Location, Arrangement of shops, Attractions, Its utility, Demerits, Conclusion

A Village Fair Essay: A village fair is a very ancient event in the villages of Bangladesh, Most of the villagers' work and earns their livelihood in the village. Their life is monotonous. They feel the want of amusement and recreation. The village fair partially helps the villagers meet this want. Here some people come to buy things. Others come to sell things. In a word, a village fair is a mirror for the villagers.

It sits in an open field or on the bank of a river. It lasts for a day, a week or for a fortnight. It is held on the Bengali New Year's day or the last day of the year and on the occasion of some festivals. All classes in the village people come to a village fair to enjoy their time. They exchange their feelings of the fair.

Temporary stalls are installed on the site of the fair. Things of daily use such as wooden utensils, earthen pots, and jars, bamboo-made or cane made baskets, household goods, baskets, etc. are bought and sold here. Small traders bring various clothes, toys, dolls, balloons, ready-made garments, and other useful things. Some sell sweetmeats. Girls come to buy bath soaps, snow-powder, looking glasses, combs, ribbons, etc. There are different kinds of amusements.

Traveling Jatra parties, circus parties, Nagordola attract the spectators. In a huge pandal, cinema parties show pictures to the people. Snake-charmers and magicians show a different technique. There is a great rush of people there. Sometimes gambling is allowed at the fair. It ruins the simple and innocent people. Moreover, obscene dances are also performed. It encourages the villagers to improve their cottage industries and handicrafts. It brings enjoyment, recreation, and refreshment to the villagers. The life of the villagers is usually dull & monotonous. Once a year the fair breaks the monotony & adds joy to their life. It creates a ripple of joy all around. Therefore, the Government should encourage fairs under careful management.

A VILLAGE FAIR Composition

A Village Fair Essay: Introduction: A village fair is an event of great attraction) to the village people. Villagers wait eagerly and take preparation for a village fair long time before the start of a village fair.

When Sits: A village fair sits on some special occasions such as Bengali New Years Day, Durga Puja etc.. Some fairs last for a single day, some last for three to seven days and some fairs last for a month. People buy fancy (77*) goods at the fair. Children buy kites, flutes, toys and so on.

Where Sits: Usually a village fair sits in an open place where a large number of people can gather easily. It also sits under big trees, by the side of a village or on a river.

Attractions: In a village fair there are many attractions for people of all ages. Children especially like a village fair for things like toy stores, merry-go-round, the circus party, doll dancing, monkey dancing and magic party. Different types of toys made of earth, plastic, paper, iron and tin are available in a village fair. Some of the toys are produced in village cottage industries and some of them in big industries. In a circus party many animals such as elephants, tigers, lions, goats and monkeys etc. can be found. All the animals are well trained and can show various funny feats and tricks. Many agricultural products are brought in a fair for show and sale. Things of cottage industry, wooden furniture, tools of agriculture etc. are also brought in a village fair and they attract the grown-up people very much. People buy those items at a village fair for their household use and consumption

Demerits: As a huge number of people visit the fair day and night it is often in need of proper sanitation. Gambling parties, heats, charlatans and pickpockets also gather in the fair. 'hey can cause much harm to the people.

Conclusion: A village fair is a great source of entertainment and enjoyment to the rural people. So, it should be organized and managed properly.

A village fair essay

A Village Fair Essay: Introduction: Fair means mela generally held in the villages on various occasions like Pahela Baishakh. The 21st of February, Chariot driving, the birth, and death anniversary of some saintly persons etc.

Where held: The village fair is a source of enjoyment and pleasure. All classes of people are fond of visiting the village fair. It is generally held in an open square or on the outskirts of the village. It needs no further advertisement. The villagers know when and where the village fair is held. The artisans, the weavers, the carpenters, the farmers come to the fair with their necessary goods. Everyone wants to display his skill and craftsmanship.

Arrangements: Preparations begin a long time before the village fair is held. The ground is cleared. Bamboo posts and thatched roofs are put up in rows. Each stall in nicely decorated to attract, customers, buyers, and visitors. There is one row for agricultural goods and tools; in another row, agricultural and horticultural products vegetables and flower plants are on display.

The other farmers feel charmed at the agricultural products. The products also encourage them to increase production in all respects. The women and children become attracted at the view of craftsmanship of the artisans.

Various shows: A part of the field is kept apart for amusements. There are merry go rounds, puppet show, circus show, theatre, magic show, folk songs, bioscope show etc. Children are fond of each of them. A vast gathering always remains there. Every amusement follows one after another and night after night.

The goods: The villagers buy many fancy goods from the fair. They buy those things which draw their attention and attraction as well. Broom, wooden and earthen vessels, wooden lamp, flower vase, hand fans, garlands of pearls, earthen dolls etc. are bought by children and women. The solvent and moneyed men buy costly goods like furniture, ornaments and other goods.

How visited: The village fair is held for one or two days. It continues from morning up to midnight. Visitors in groups come arid go after visiting it. Many teenagers and young naughty boys come to visit the fair with their ill-motives. Many innocent girls are victimized. To protect and maintain law and order in the fair the police force should be debuted during the fair period. Both physical and mental punishment should be imposed on the culprit.

Strict rules to be followed: The leading heads of the locality should be alert in this regard. A watchful eye needs to be cast over the nuisance acts. The local gamblers come to the fair collectively. They set their gambling pet besides the fair and cheat or deceive the innocent viewers. The young boys should, under no circumstances, be allowed to commit any alloplastic infringement on social values during the fair period.

As a trade fair: The village fair is, in fact, a trade fair. They come to set up temporary shops to gain much profit. It is a one-time business. Man-made and home-made goods are available in the fair but they are a bit costly.

Extra-amusements: The village fair provides an extra amusement to the villagers. Many men and women are generally found deprived of amusements. They cannot visit interesting places. The village fair serves them as a sort of exhibition of village products. Things and goods of many kinds are brought for show and sale. It is an occasion of great joy and excitement. A large crowd gathers in the Jatra pandal.

Importance: The village fair is very useful and important. It removes the monotony of the villagers. They can forget their sorrows and sufferings for a short period. They can find a scope of meeting there with and kin and can come in touch with the variety of people. The villages working in the village can get stimulation of doing further works from the enjoyment they have in the village fair.

There are temporary restaurants for eating food, sweets and other edible things. The local people also eat there, let alone the distant people. The village fair brings about a change into the mind of the people. They can enjoy many unenjoyed things and they have an immense pleasure. It widens their mental horizon and changes their outlook. The village fair removes their evil thoughts and ideas and enlightens their mind.

Conclusion: The village fair serves the villagers two purposes - one provides them pleasure and happiness and the other provides the businessmen profit.

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Hi, I'm Abdul Aouwal

From Bangladesh, I am a blogger who writes about educational topics. My passion is to share knowledge and insights to help others learn and grow


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