Essay on Corruption: An excellent essay for all class students
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 3 min Read
Corruption means to make or become defiled. Bangladesh is one of the developing countries in South Asia. It is now thickly populated so the country fails to provide the basic needs to them.
Origin of corruption: Corruption may originate from unsolved problems, unfinished works, vicious politics, weak administration, and many other related or relevant things. Bangladesh has the dubious distinction of being one of the defiled or corrupted countries in the present world. The malaise is too deep and wide to be eradicated so much so that the common people in the country have become dependent on them of apathy. It may ascend to the highest and topmost of corruption and dishonesty.
Nature of corruption: Bribery, gratification, illegal donations, kidnapping, robbery in the broad daylight, snatching away things, hijacking are now the order of today in Bangladesh. These have become an important part and parcel of our life. In any department either govt. or non-govt. like ministry, office, school, college, university, law court, police station, hospital, or in any place of work, corruption exists there.
Even accident victims are not left unspared or untouched by corruption They are unmanly robbed and plundered in a very tragic and helpless condition even by those people who are supposed, to be honest, helpful, beneficial, defender oí law and order. Corruption has been putting his terrific hand on our vitals despite moral teachings, exhortations, slogans, and learned lectures from the political and administrative platforms against corrupt practices.
In our country, people in high places are involving or indulging themselves in corruption with impunity. Corruption also percolates from above and reaches the lower level of society and administration. The judicial! department of the country is an independent body that is not at all free from corruption. Truly speaking, the existing law of the land is probably corrupted and as a result, we can find injustice prevailing all over the country.
Corruption is encouraged: The high officials and their office assistants adopt such technics and pretenses to materialize their ill-motives, ill-purposes, and ill-tendencies which the common and savage people can never imagine. The moneyed men in society in league with the high officials make a wrong a right, a right a wrong, a deserving an undeserving, a legal thing an illegal one, an illegal a legal one etc except a man a woman or vice versa.
The ultimate sufferings for corruption go to the common people who are born to suffer and to be deprived of their legal rights, dues, and what not belong to this category. There is no limit to hawala money laundering and a parallel economy exists there with their blessings. The criminals and culprits ruling the roost because of their high leveled connections, contacts, money, and muscle power.
There is no exemplary difference against corruption. No corrupted person is hanged so far. The law machine is too slow to grind and punish these political boons. It may take a long time to take cognizance of corruption practices, let alone punishing corrupted persons in top slots. Many a time a finger is raised towards people sitting in the judgment.
After passing the verdict the judge can realize whether his verdict is right or wrong or the verdict is passed behind the screen in exchange for something but read out in presence of the involved.
Remedies: The eradication of corruption is a crying need for the country's greater interest. To make the country free from corruptions, citizens of all classes should be responsible accountable, dutiful, responsible and considerate. The political leaders should be politically talented, far-sighted, devoted to the nation and the land for the country's sake, large-hearted and constructive.
They should not be malicious and rapacious but be friendly to all. They should not shelter any corruption or encourage corruption. The godfathers of corrupts should severely be dealt with, come what may. The persons in power should have transparency in decision-making and proper implementation of policies.
Nepotism, favoritism, red-tapers, etc should be dealt with an Iron hand. There should be no judicial hesitation, hindrance, and procrastination in meeting out the due punishment to corrupts and culprits in proportion to the degree of their offenses. None should be allowed to be above the law and the land. There should be special courts for trial of the corrupts within the minimum possible Ilme.
Conclusion : Corruption begets corruption. It urgently needs its prevention in all spheres. If the country is free from corruption, the countrymen will live in peace and happiness. And the country's overall development can be expected up to the mark.