Essay on Culture || Suitable for all class students
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 3 min Read
Culture means the state of civilization among a people a training of mental and moral power that particularise a form of intellectual development.
Two phases cultures: There are two phases of cultures known as the eastern and the western cultures. The eastern culture is old, ancient typed, obsolete and outdated but the western culture is modern, up to date and fashionable. So great differences remain or exist between the two cultures. Rudyard Kipling, an English poet, rightly stated," East is East and West is West and never shall twain meet."
Eastern culture: Some fine points in support of different cultures are found between two cultures. Eastern culture dominates over countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Burma, Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the Middle-East. Eastern culture is based on religions like Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.
The followers of these religions are quite reluctant to do anything or to follow any other dictates, culture, and instruction without the dictates of the above religions. They are God-fearing. The Almighty for all the blessings has poured on us. Marriage, religious festivals, social interactions are guided by our culture.
Western culture: It is accepted in the USA the U.K, Thailand, European countries, Singapore etc. It is an individually oriented culture. The individual's needs, rights, and privileges are of utmost significance. An individual under this western culture can master the forces of nature. The individual in the western culture always thinks. He forgets his tables and useless pre-conceived notions which are normally associated with Eastern Culture. Western culture is based on scientific and materialistic notations.
Differences: These two cultures have differences. The differences lying between them are strong. Dating in Eastern culture means that a boy and girl can gossip, move, talk, remain friend without any physical interaction, but dating in Western Culture means that a boy and can share physical intimacy. They can live together like a couple without marriage.
After some time, they can without any restriction part with their company or get themselves isolated and can find a new friend. This attitude in Western Culture is a cultural assault on Eastern Culture as it is not acceptable. In the working fields, we cannot gain much despite working hard but in Western culture hard working never goes in vain for the hard worker gains much more than we do.
Our acceptance: The comparative study of these two different cultures, we, the people of Eastern culture, can adopt only plus points. We must adopt what is logical, rational, reasonable and truthful in Western Culture. Our sacred scriptures have emphasized the values of truth and work. We must, therefore, adopt meticulous behavior, technical aptitude, and swiftness from Western Culture.
We should not accept the decline of moral values. We must accept the efficient educational system knowledgeable and practical, engineering skills, technologies, medical research results, scientific discoveries for our development and prosperity. For the sake of money, power, and fame, we should not forget human values which the Western Culture extremely ignores.
Influence of western culture on youngsters: As ill luck would have it, our young generation is fond of Western Culture for they watch and enjoy violence, fighting, wrestling, boxing, and naked/blue films on T.V. through the satellite channels. They neglect, hate and ignore our culture but welcome the western culture.
They neglect pallygiti, bhatiali, bhaoiya and folk songs but prefer pop songs which are sung with modern music in a Western style. In the field of garments, they like to wear western dress like Jeans pants and T-shirts neglecting ours. They intend to live a western life avoiding eastern culture.
Conclusion: People under Eastern Culture should not make their culture perverted but pick all the gems of Western Culture like a swan. They should assimilate the picked pearls in our social and cultural environment for the sake of building up a better society and nation respectively.