Dengue Essay in English : Suitable for Classes 5-12
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 30, 2024
- 3 min Read
Here you will find an informative and well-organized Dengue Essay in English. Dengue is a serious and common topic, making it popular for essays. You may need to write a good Dengue Essay in English. Read on to understand the topic better.
Dengue Essay for All Level Students
Introduction: Dengue is a life-threatening disease. It is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a female mosquito called Aedes. Its bite takes an epidemic form causing a tremendous situation. Dengue is a virus fever originating from Africa. It is a fear in the tropical countries like Bangladesh. Burma, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines etc.
Places of laying eggs: Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs on stagnant water in the well, in the absconded pots, polythene bags, in the holes of a tree where rainwater remains, on the rotten things, on the heap of waste materials etc.
Kinds and symptoms of dengue fevers: Dengue fever is of Iwo kinds— classical dengue fever and, hemorrhagic dengue fever. The temperature of classical dengue rises 104–105 celsius. The victim or the patient being attacked with classical dengue fever feels a backache, headache, rashes, and loss of appetite. There is no bleeding in classical dengue fever.
But hemorrhagic dengue fever is quite serious than the former. The severe illness is suspected to be due to double infection with the viruses. Other symptoms of DHF include accumulation of reddish spots on the body. The victim always feels pain, loss of appetite, serious headache all over the body and vomiting.
The WHO guidelines: According to WHO guidelines, if the patient level falls to 15000 or 10000 сmm, a transfusion is necessary. A dengue patient is advised to drink fluids and to take Intravenous saline until the patient's condition becomes normal. If the fluid volume drop is too low, the patient goes into shock and may die. Shock syndrome occurs when the low volume of blood causes less oxygen to go into the tissue. The patient's body may get cold and clumsy, blood pressure may fall, and the pulse rate becomes rapid and weak. Bado
Prevention: To cure a dengue patient prevention is a better means. The following are the preventive measures to be adopted in this regard. Containers should be covered to prevent mosquitoes and flies from their access and laying eggs.
Both air-conditioner and air cooler need to be kept neat and clean so that mosquitoes cannot take shelter there. The portable water pitchers and containers should be kept upside down. Mosquito bite should be checked by ringing up the curtail or mosquito net or using mosquito repellents. People should be especially careful about both at morning and at evening.
Essay On Dengue
Dengue specialists predict that one-third of the Dhaka households are carrying Aedes mosquitoes breeding space. The city corporation should collect monitoring reports from every household and take special steps against it. Aedes mosquitoes breed mainly in man-made containers like earthen pot, metal drums, plastic containers, used automobile tires and other things in which rainwater remains stagnant.
People of all classes should be made alert and awareness should be created among them so that they may keep their home and homesite neat and clean. But in case of a seriously dengue attacked patient, he should immediately be taken to a hospital or health clinic/complex for proper treatment. The first aid can be managed as a primary treatment.
Dengue devastation in various places: Dengue devastation has especially be marked in recent years but it had been identified as far back as in 1966. A project is known as Integrated Vector Borne Disease Control Project (I.V.B.D.C.P) supported by WHO detected the dengue virus in Chittagong. Then 25 patients were detected to be seriously attacked with dengue fever.
Then in 1977-78, the ICDDRB detected dengue virus in some people in Mohammadpur area. Dengue fever paralyzed the city of Dhaka with fear. The panic, of course, justified was considering that there was no effective care of the disease and that any group was suspicious of it. The whole countrymen were afraid of dengue. oot ar
Treatment: Medical science has advanced far in the field of treatment. The dengue attacked patient needs a few tests to diagnosis the nature of dengue fever. The arrangement of first aid should be made. The patient should be encouraged. The serious patient must be hospitalized at an early date.
Conclusion: The govt. and the community must be more proactive about controlling the sources of the dengue in order to avoid its curse.
Here is all about Dengue and Dengue fever essay. Students of different class like class 5, class 6, class 7, class 8 and class nine , ten student can write this essay on their exam paper.