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Essay on Beggary- For all students

  • Abdul Aouwal's Profile Picture
  • Abdul Aouwal
  • May 21, 2024
  • 3 min Read

One who begs or lives by begging is a beggar. He has taken up begging when he reaches an extreme point of poverty. The beggar is the man who has acknowledged a defeat at the hand of destiny in the struggle for existence. He deserves no pity but contempt.

Who are beggars? The blind, the deaf and dumb, the Disabled are the beggars of our country. They cannot undergo physical labor for some reasonable and unavoidable reasons. They are not properly rehabilitated by the govt. In our country, there are home professional beggars who are found begging in the cities, towns, and villages. It is an evil day for our country when begging denotes religious salvation.

Begging is always a crime--- whether it is begging for freedom, begging for jobs or begging for money. Our begging for service is met with contempt by an employer. We are made to feel that the government must be forced to solve unemployment problem under active pressure. And when we treat the beggar in the street, in the same spirit of contempt, it will also cure him of the habit of begging and utter reliance on other people.

Different We can find another class of beggar standing on pavements or footings. They are the disabled, the deformed and the diseased. Being by birth or accidentally handicapped, they beg for the living; but in many cases, they are forced to beg on behalf of the cruelest and heartless band of employers who make capital out of their misfortune.

A disgraceful earning: Begging is not a profession. It does no good for society but creates a burden for society and obstructs social and national development. Truly speaking, begging is disreputable. There are also some able-bodied people who in the name of God beg alms.

No man has the right to beg who has the ability to earn his livelihood by the sweat of his brow or, who is able to work hard. Many beggars, in course of time, may become moneyed men. But they need not be changed. They always adhere SO. to their previous begging. They are the burden of society.

Remedy: Begging needs remedy. We should adopt the following measures. To remove beggars and begging is a must for the country's welfare. We are to look through other countries how they have cured beggars and begging. Let us consider England in this regard. In England, there are poor law institutions maintained by the community.

Those, who are rendered unfit for work and have none to support, are removed to the charitable institutions like the Parish houses generally attached to the church and kept there as a charge on society. There are vagrancy laws that make begging by the able-bodied, is a punishable crime. In socialist countries, the disabled are guaranteed financial aid and allowances

Ours is a developing country where the problem is always before the public urgently demanding a solution. The beggars are at the steps of restaurants, hotels, temples, mosques and even educational institutions. Familiarity with the sight of the diseased and maimed has dulled our human sensibility and päralysed our conscience and cognition. We just look at them and pass on a coin into an outstretched palm.

We also forget that the diseases are very often a social menace and should be prevented from spreading contagious by rounding them up as the disabled and deformed area social scrouge. On the other hand, the problem of the able-bodied beggars is vexatious. But the class of religious mendicants presents a ticklish problem. We do not know how to deal with them. Yet, the humiliating begging must not be encouraged.

The beggars live a nomadic life being scattered here and there. They have deprived o sanitary latrines. As a result, the place where they live gets polluted by them. They obstruct our daily life. The rehabilitating of the beggars is a crying need. They need shelter, food and clothes Many of them need works or employment.

It is not at all possible on the part of the govt. of a developing country like ours to do the needful for the real beggars. So both the govt. and the moneyed men should come forward in this regard for its immediate remedy.

Conclusion: Begging is disreputable that brings nothing to society but a burden of heavy nature. Awareness should be created among them that begging is not employment but a curse.

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Hi, I'm Abdul Aouwal

From Bangladesh, I am a blogger who writes about educational topics. My passion is to share knowledge and insights to help others learn and grow


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