Computer Composition for Class 5 To Class 10
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 29, 2024
- 17 min Read
The computer is considered the greatest invention of modern science. It was not invented overnight. It is the outcome of many consecutive inventions by a number of scientists. First of all, Pascal invented the theory of ‘Digital Calculating System’ in 1642. He initiated the research towards the invention of the computer. Charles Babbage’s research and the “Difference Engine” was a big step forward. At last, an American scientist named
Howard Akin invented the machine in 1937 that could do complex calculations. So, Howard Akin is considered the inventor of the computer. After seven years in 19-44, the electric computer was used at Harvard University. Then after many inventions and developments in the fields of the microprocessor, silicon chip, computer language, operating system, storage device etc. and many generations of computers, the computers have reached their present state.
Computer A Wonder of Scienc
Question: You know that the computer is a great invention of modern science. Now, write a paragraph about 'Computer' answering the following questions.
- What is a computer?
- What are the major parts of it?
- What is the computer capable of doing?
- What are the demerits of the computer?
- In which sectors computers are used?
Ours is an age of science. Science has invented many things. The computer is one of them. It has become an essential part of modern life. A computer consists of five major parts. These are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit, and the arithmetic unit. A computer is capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning. In a few minutes, a computer can perform calculations that trained mathematicians would need years to complete. Nowadays computer is used in all spheres of our life. It is used in education, medical science, agriculture, commerce, printing and industrial sector etc. It has lessened our work and made our life easy and comfortable. In spite of having a lot of merits, it has some demerits too. It weakens the eyesight of the operators. Sometimes it may give wrong results if there is any defect in the programming. Then it may bring about the untold disaster. However, Computer has brought about the revolutionary change in our life. We can not do a single moment without it. It is a part and parcel of our daily life.
Computer Essay.
Topics: Introduction, Its invention, Types of Computers, Structure of a Computer, Function, Uses,
Computer Essay - The computer is the latest & the most excellent miracle of modern science. We now live in a computer age; the computer has become our friend, philosopher, and guide. The word computer is derived from the verb 'Compute' meaning to reckon or calculate something.
In -1643 B. Pascal, a French mathematician invented the mechanical calculating machine. In 1812 Charles Barrage invented the improved model of the mechanical computer. The first electromechanical computer was made jointly by Harvard University & IBM Company in 1946. Since 1971 major improvements in computer technology have led to the development of modern-day computers.
Computers are classified according to the size, speed & the internal structure such as the supercomputer, mainframe computer & microcomputer. PC (personal computers) are the most popularly used computers in the world.
The main aspects of a computer are hardware & software. Hardware is the machine itself consisting of RAM, central processing unit (CPU) and hard disk. The software is the program-es which help the hardware to function according to users demand. The most commonly used software is DOS and Microsoft Windows. A PC comprises a keyboard, system unit and monitor.
Scientifically computer is an electronic device that receives data which are fed into it, stores the data inside of it and processes the data according to instructions.
The computer can receive numerous data & instructions and perform millions of calculation within seconds. It is capable of manipulating the input data and make a conclusion according to instructions. Computers are widely used in medical diagnosis & treatment, Banks, Govt. & private offices, NGO's, business houses, publishing, etc. Computers are also used in remitting messages through e-mail.
The computer has come to our country with immense possibilities. Presently people are becoming quite dependent on the computer for their day-to-day work, for word processing, data analysis, preparation of spread-sheets, inter-office mail and international communication. So, the conscious and learned people should take up the steps to familiarize the uses of the computer to the general people at large. Consequently, the countrymen will be benefited.
Essay on Computer and It's Uses
Essay on Computer and It's Uses - Introduction: The computer is a wonder of modern science. It is an electronic device that can store and recall information very speedily and
efficiently. Its invention has fascinated everybody and all of us have become much inclined towards using computers. We can see their influence in every walk of our lives.
History: Computer was not invented overnight . It is the outcome of many consecutive inventions by a number of scientists. First of all, Pascal invented the theory of ‘Digital Calculating System’ in 1642. He initiated the research towards the invention of the computer. Charles Babbage’s research and the “Difference Engine” was a big step forward.
At last, an American scientist named Howard Akin invented the machine in 1937 that could do complex calculations. So, Howard Akin is considered the inventor of the computer. After seven years in 1944, the electric computer was used at Harvard University. Then after many inventions and developments in the fields of a microprocessor, silicon chip, computer language, operating system, storage device etc. and many generations of
computers, the computers have reached their present state.
Uses: The uses of the computer are many. Nowadays computers are being used in almost every field for performing different types of _of jobs. The use of the computer is no longer confined to making speedy and complicated calculations only. Nowadays, almost all the industrial productions are computerized.
The use and development of computer technology have enabled man to achieve tremendous success in different fields. Fields like the production of nuclear energy, space research, space shuttle, submarine engine, missile technology, satellite technology, anti-missile technology, aviation etc. have become solely dependent on computers.
Computer technology has also brought about a revolution in the field of communication as it has given rise to the spread of the Internet. Nowadays millions of people use the Internet and communicate with each other. The Internet has also ensured the free flow of information as censorship or control over the internet has not been successful yet. The computer is also a great source of entertainment. It can serve all kinds of our entertainment needs. It can play audio and video files and do audio and video editing.
People can save their favourite audio or video programmes on the computer. Nowadays computers can be found in many households being used as a medium of entertainment. A computer has also caused a dramatic change in the fields of designing and printing. In short, it is difficult to find a field where a computer has not brought any good influence.
Conclusion: Computer technology has opened the door to endless possibilities. It can be assumed that things done manually will be automated or computerized in the near future.
Importance of Computer Essay
Computer Essay Paragraph and Composition - Introduction: Science has discovered many wonders and computer is one of them, lt is an ultra-modern electronic device for storing and analysing information fed into it. It has no capacity to do anything by itself. It works on the basis of commands given by the operator.
Who invented: Computer was not invented overnight. It took a long time and hard labour to invent the computer. Many votaries of science worked hard. This computer has become the result of the hard labour of many votaries of science. First of all, Pascal invented the theory of "Digital Calculating System, in 1642. Though his attempts were not crowned with success, he initiated the research which paved the way for the innovation of computer. Finally lliiward Akin, an American scientist, invented the such as the machine in l337 as could solve difficult arithmetical problems. So the credit for LHC invention of the modern computer goes to Haward Akin. After seven years electric computer was used in Harvard University in 1044. After that many other computers have been invented EDACS. in 1945 and ENTICE in 1946 etc.
More components of a computer: A computer consists of live major components. They are the input unit, the memory unit, the control unit and the arithmetic unit.
Functions of a computer: A computer performs three functions. receiving data, processing data by various computations and emitting data.
Machine language: Every computer has a machine language of its own according to it functions. Machine language is not fixed. lt varies from machine to machine. Programmes written in machine languages are machine dependent and they are only good for that particular machine.
Importance of computer: Computers of a great use to us today. It renders a great service to mankind like Aladin's magic lamp. It has lessened our workloads and made our life easy and comfortable. lt is used in our daily life for various purposes.
In the field of education: Computer is media of education in the developed countries. The students of the developed countries use the computer to prepare their study materials. They learn many things within the shortest possible time. Results of various examinations are prepared accurately with the help of computer within the shortest span of time.
In Medical Science: Nowadays in developed countries computer is used to diagnose diseases. A newer process of operation has been invented by the computer as an alternative to surgery. it is used to grind stones in normal pathological tests.
In Agriculture: Today computer is used in the fields of agriculture in the developed countries. A farmer of America simply it's on the switch of the computer and gets everything done.
In Commerce: Nowadays business, commerce and trade cannot be thought of without a computer. It does wonder. It is used to prepare documents, to make lists of goods, store information and to prepare budget etc. Management personnel uses the computer
to take a decision. The value. of currency and price of any share can be known or counted instantly by the computer.
In Printing: Today printing cannot be thought without the computer. lt is an indispensable part of printing. Thousands of books are composed with the help of a computer within a very short time.
In the Industrial sector: ln the developed countries computer is used to control mills, factories and industries. Trains and planes are run by the computer.
Source of Income: Computer is a source of great income. Many developed and advanced countries export software and hardware and earn a lot.
Demerits: Everything has its dark sides. The computer has its own demerits. it causes diseases like repetitive stress injury and harms the eyesight of the operators.
The computer in Bangladesh: Many government and non-government offices, educational institutions are using computers. A course on the computer has been introduced in secondary and higher secondary levels. The day is not far to come when the computer will be
used in every sphere of life.
Conclusion: Computer. is of great use to us. We cannot do a single moment without computers. Now it is a part and parcel in our day to day, life.
Computer Composition For Students
Topics: Introduction, History, Major components and functions, Merits, Demerits, Conclusion
Computer Essay Paragraph and Composition - We live in an age of science. Science has invented many things. The computer is one of them. It has now become an essential part of modern life. We cannot do a single day without the computer.
There is a long history of the invention for the computer. First of all, Pascal invented the theory of ‘Digital Calculating System’ in 1642 which paved the way for the invention of the computer. Charles Babbage, an English mathematician invented the structure of the computer in 1833. Finally, Mr. Haward Akin, an American scientist invented such the machine in 1937 that could difficult sums. Following this invention, Harvard University and IBM company combinedly invented the modem electronic computer in 1944. Alter this, it had
been being developed day by day.
A computer consists of five major components. They are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit, and the arithmetic unit.
A computer performs three functions, such as receiving data, processing data and emitting data.
The computer has brought about a revolutionary change in our life. It has lessened our work and made our life easy and comfortable. Nowadays, it is being used in all spheres of our life like education, medical science, commerce, agriculture, printing, and industrial sector etc.
In spite of having a lot of merits, the computer has some demerits too. It may be attacked by the virus. Then it gives the wrong result. Sometimes, we lose important information. On the other hand, many young are addicted to computer games. Besides, we are becoming more dependent on computer day by day. Thus, we become lazy and inactive.
The computer has changed our lives. It has brought about the revolutionary change in every sector of our life. We cannot think of our modern life without the computer. Now it has become a part and parcel of our modern life.
Short Essay on Computer
[Introduction. What a computer is. How and when it was invented. Structure/Components. The computer program. Types. Computer and the modern civilization. Conclusion.]
Computer Essay Paragraph and Composition - From the very beginning of man's civilization man has been advancing towards a perfection through newer and newer inventions and discoveries. But the only modern invention which has exceeded the excellence of all other inventions of man in all ages is the computer. It is said that now we live in the computer age.
The literal meaning of the word 'computer' is 'an instrument that computes or does various calculations'. Fundamentally it is a calculating machine. It can perform various calculations like addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and soon. In fact, it can receive innumerable data and instructions and perform thousands of calculations within seconds and then give the results. Apart from doing mathematical calculations, a computer has surprising capabilites of manipulating the input data according to logic and making conclusions as per instructions. The work which a man would otherwise do in thousands of days is done by the computer within minutes or hours.
The modern computer is a very modern electronic instrument. But in the primary phase of its evolution, it was not so. It has a history of its evolution. In 1643 the French mathematician B. Pascal invented the mechanical calculating machine for performing some arithmetic calculations. In 1671 Lebonese and in 1812 Charles Babbage invented two improved models of mechanical compnuters. The first electro-mechanical computer was made jontly by the Harvard university and the IBM company in 1944. At last the electronic computer came into existence in 1946. However, the major improvements in the computer technology was possible only after 1971. At present there have been unimaginable improvements in this technology.
A computer has two main aspects: The hardware and the software. The hardware is the machine itself, and the software is a combination of various symbolic instructions or codes, better known as the computer language. It has some components as input devices, the CPU or the Central Processing Unit, and the output devices. The input devices receive instructions in codes which are similar to human language.
The hardware can be thought of as the skeleton and the software, the flesh and blood- if the whole computers were to be imagined of as a human being. The software or the programs virtually help the hardware function the way the user wants it to. The programs are of two types one is the operating system and the other, the application program.
The operating system coordinates various functions of the hardware as well as activates the applications programs. The applications programs, on the other hand, perform a mathematical calculation. The whole system of the computer is the combination of these programs and hardware systems.
The coded set of instructions that are stored in the memory of the computer for performing various calculations is called the computer program. A computer uses the binary method for its internal calculations. The compiler of the applications programs translate into the computer language codes any instructions given to it by the user.
The computer can be classified according to its size speed, and internal structure. We can be based on these criteria of classification, identify various types of computers such as the super -computer, the mainframe, the mini-computer, and the micro-computer. The form and shape or size of computers may vary, but in each of the causes the main working principle or method is the same for all types of computers.
This computer is perhaps the strongest gift of science. It is helping us in business, research, management and, administration, and virtually in all fields of modern life. Its importance is so great that if it were taken out from men's civilization, the entire process of civilization would come to a standstill.
To speak more specifically, the computer has proved to be the best aid to our thinking process, observation, the control of the economy and production processes, printing, translation, research in the laboratory and in the field and what not. In a word, the computer has increased the speed of the advance of civilization. Now we can hardly think of any tough task without it.
The computer has come to our country with immense possibilities too. Now it is giving its blessed touch in almost every sphere of life. But the general people are completely ignorant of the magic power and potential of this small machine. Therefore, if it can be familiarized to the general people at large, we will get more and more utility from it.
Uses of Computer Essay
Computer Essay Paragraph and Composition - The computer is the latest and the most excellent miracle of modern science. We now live in a computer age. The computer has become our friend, philosopher, and guide. The word computer is derived from the verb 'Compute' meaning to reckon or calculate something.
Actually, the computer was not invented overnight. First of all B. Pascal invented the mechanical calculating machine in 1643. In 1812 Charles Babbage invented Improved model of the mechanical computer. The first electromechanical computer was made jointly by Harvard University and IBM company in 1946. Since 1971 major improvements in computer technology have led to the development of modern day computers.
There are five components of a computer. They are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit, and the arithmetic unit.
A computer performs three functions, such as receiving data, processing data and emitting data.
The uses of computer beggar description in our day to day life. It performs a great service to mankind. It has really saved time, effort, labor and made our life easy and comfortable. It is also a media of education. Many things are learned by computer within the shortest period of time. Results of examinations are prepared accurately with the help of computer rapidly. Computers are widely used in medical diagnosis and treatment.
Nowadays computer is used in commerce and trade. It is also used to prepare documents, to make lists of goods, store information and to prepare budget etc. The share market can be counted instantly by the computer. In printing, thousands of books are composed with the help of the computer within a very short time. The computer is now used to control mills, factories, and various types of industries. Trains and plans are run by the computer.
The computer is a source of great income. Many developed and advanced countries export software and hardware and earn a lot of money. Even Bangladeshi people earn much money throughout computer by doing freelancing. It has also lessened our unemployment problem.
Everything has its dark sides. It causes diseases like Restitutive stress injury and weakens the eyesight of the operators. It has also a bad effect on young children and students. They play games on the computer and thus neglect their studies. It is like an addiction to many of them. Nowadays the hackers hake the security of the government computers to get their confidential files and documents to perform their evil motives. Even the security of many international organizations (Interpol, CIA) and bank accounts are being disrupted throughout hacking.
The computer has come and changed the outdated (সেকেলে) mindset (বদ্ধমূলধারণা). We can not do a single moment without computers. Now the computer has become a part and parcel in our everyday life. Finally, we can say that the benefits of the computer should come down to the grassroots levels.