Essay on Feminism: Important for all tudents
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 3 min Read
The term, "feminism' is derived from 'Feminismi' a French word, which was coined by a utopian socialist named Fouriers. The word feminism was used to indicate support for women's equal, legal, and political rights with men. Feminism is a philosophical doctrine or a political movement. Feminism needs to be understood as essentially concerned with the equality of woman and man, and with the attempt to attain equal, legal, and political rights for women.
Its aims: Feminism was introduced in the US in 1895 as a rallying cry for women and a term of derision against them ever since. Feminism, in fact, resins too necessary to die of embarrassment, even if many have been scared away from the term.
Feminism aims at individual freedom by mobilizing sex solidarity. It always aims at acknowledging diversity among women while stressing that women recognize their unity. It needs a gender consciousness for its basis, elimination of prescribed gender, Yet calls for the elimination of prescribed gender roles.
It refers to any theory which sees the relationship between the sexes as one of inequality subordination, or oppression and which aims at identifying and making the remedy of the sources of that oppression.
Woman's capability: Woman is, as a nation being, capable of benefitting from education and of performing the duties of a citizen. Wollstonecraft's feminism does not extend to the claim that men and women should be equal in term of political participation, and the defends a differential conception of citizenship according to which women may person properly her duties as citizens from within their home.
But if earlier feminists did not invariably find equality of roles as necessary for feminism, many modern feminists have argued that such equality is insufficient as a response to women's oppression. Feminism involves more than a simple demand for legal and political equality, it involves the identification and removal of all aspects of women's subordination. Some have made arguments and pointed out that the broader definition is simply a catch call.
On the contrary, it will explain the decision of feminism into separate subsections. Thus within the broad general category of feminism, we may find liberal feminists, social feminists, and many other feminists who are united to their beliefs that there is something wrong with society's treatment of women, but who differ in their diagnosis of the problems and in their proposals for change.
Significant ways: It is said that public-private definition is the single most important issue for feminism, and indeed that it is the end what feminism all about. The importance of the claim is that it draws the attention to the link between the two definitions of feminism. An important aspect of the contribution of feminism to political theory has been its feminist political practice.
It has been a constant feature of modern societies. As a political movement, it has engaged with politics in the conventional sense and has also widened the scope of political action in practical and theoretically significant ways. First, there are organized campaigns for particular legislative measures to secure women the vote, or to give them property rights, or to make abortion legal or equal opportunities legislation as regards employment or welfare.
These campaigns have often been ignored by conventional political scientists and historians. Where they attended to, they dearly must count as political in the conventional sense, they are public interventions in the competition for the power to govern. Second, there are organized campaigns for other non-legislative but important social changes-more women into parliament and thereby into government, more women into other powerful social positions such as in the professions and education.
Third, there are many organizations connected to the pressure formal social change, but mostly focused on informal change, self-help organizations like a telephone line, refuges for women sufferers of violence, a network for women in particular occupations. Fourth, these organizations and campaigns are supplemented and merge into cultural organizations and sites for women's organizations and action publishing collectives, filmmakers and theatre groups, shops, cafes, and bars.
Conclusion: Feminism is an equal treatment that needs are advocacy of the claims of women to equality with those of men. If feminism exists the world will be a place free from chaos and confusion.