Memories Of Childhood Essay; An Essay For All Students
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 10 min Read
To every man the memories of childhood are the sweetest. A man can leave a place for ever and swear never to go back there; he can part with a friend for ever, or discard or disclaim any wealth for ever. It may happen that no such thing can attract him and hold him for ever. But the memories of childhood always attracts him with more and more appeal and strength. He can never escape from that, nor does he want to do so. This is because his childhood is an inseparable part of his entity, his whole being. He can never summarize what he has achieved in his life so far in material and comprehensible terms. It seems to him that the essence of his by-gone life is trapped in the clutches of time and stored in the memories. And it is beyond all doubt that the richest of one's memories are the memories of his childhood.
Like that of many other people, the memory of my childhood is one of the main attractions of my imagination. Now I think of it as though it were a prolific moment spent in a dreamland of love, affection, relaxation, blitheness, and freedom. Life seems to have been merrier and enigmatically dramatic in those times. And more often than not I feel like retrogressing to that dreamland. But is it ever possible? Never. It is nothing but nostalgia.
The memories of my childhood are formed by some frequently-haunted places, events, interactions with other people, immature but innocent sensations of love and human relationships, and a strange mix-up of imagination with the reality. I remember those sweet nights when my grandmother told me fantastic fairy tales. I got lost in the senses of the stories, the suspense, the action. The manner in which she told the stories, the weird but solemn atmosphere of the place we sat on, the sounds sights and smells of the nearby sorroundings—all these added spice to the import of the stories. The memories of these days are no less attractive to me than those stories themselves. Memories come to the imagination like the sudden flushes of lights from the sky during a thunderstorm. Oh, how care-free and playful those days were! Wandering about aimlessly across the wide fields of wild flowers and grass, playing and fooling around with other children, stealing mangoes from the neighbors' gardens, swimming in the canals and rivers in a tension-free mood without ever having to think about any dangers that might happen-all these now seem to be historical stories of my personal world.
Memories are always sweet even though they are connected with bad events. I clearly remember how I was reproved by my parents for doing anything wrong or silly. The restrictions they imposed on me were the greatest encouragement to my imagination. When my school broke up and I was freed from the imprisonment of the four walls of the classroom, I felt I was happy as a lark, flying aimlessly through the blue vacuum of the sky like a lonely cloud. I ran home instantly, threw myself in my mother's lap and kissed her. But those days are no more. My parents are gone. But they together with their love and utmost care have remained in the memory as though they were all living pictures of vivid color, unerasable. They have escaped themselves from the mundane bonds of time and space and have occupied an ternal place in my memory.
Memories of childhood are no experience; rather, they are perceptions dissolved in imagination. So, I never seek any lesson from those memories; what I seek is shelter, tranquility, and peace of mind. I find therein what I have lost in life. It is not that I want to escape from reality. I accept the reality and boldly face it. But I believe that life is not the mere summation of the reality. It, on the other hand, consists of many things we can not explain, nor does the reality offer us. The chief pleasure of life lies in being able to perceive that I am alive. This pleasure is life itself and may come from the memories of the past. Life should, I believe, be judged in the perspective of the psychological reality, that is, the reality of the mind, and not in the perspeetive of the materialistic reality. My belief in this notion encourages me to plunge into the boundless sea of my childhood memories and surrender my perceptions to the pleasure I have. Those memories are a self-sufficient world which fully belongs to me. I sleep there, dream there, and feel free. But as a man, I live in the real world and face the reality with a neutral attitude of the mind.
Narrative Essay on Childhood Memories
Childhood is the sweetest period in human life. It is innocent and pure. This period is really a precious and incomparable asset. I am now a young man of sixteen. Still some memories of my childhood flash in my mind. Indeed, it is a pleasure to me to ruminate upon them.
When I look back to the days of my early childhood, I remember how my grandmother loved me. I used to sleep with her. Before | fell asleep, she used to tell me fairy tales of which she had a significant store. I listened to them with profound attention.
I remember distinctly when I first went to school. It was a new life for me, but I liked it very much. I made friends with many boys there. I went to school with them and I enjoyed these very happily. All the teachers loved me very much. I did my lessons properly every day. I was fond of reading story-books. I read the storybooks of Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore & Kazi Nazrul Islam. They cut a deep impression on my mind.
My grandmother became very old. She died when I was eleven years old. I loved her very much. Sometimes my mother rebuked me but my grandmother prevented her from doing so. I was quite safe there. So, I felt great sorry at her death. This sad event still peeps through my memory.
Once my elder sister's marriage ceremony took place. Then I was twelve years old. It was a very joyous occasion. My heart was filled with merriment. On the marriage day, our house was crowded with friends and relatives. In the evening, the bridegroom and his party came. The band parties were playing on their instruments. A grand feast was given to the guests. I ate with all of my friends happily. Thus I spent the day in the midst of feast and delight.
My childhood days will never come back again. Those days are gone and gone forever.
My days of childhood were really spent in happiness. I still remember my childhood days. Now I am a grown-up boy. I can not now pass days so care-free as I did in the past.
Childhood Memories Essay 2
Introduction: Childhood memories are some incidents of one's childhood days. It is the sweetest period of a man's life. Man's life is a sum total of days. All the days are not the same pleasing, same sweet and same feeling. But the days in childhood are sweeter than the present days.
A period of free life: No other period of life is so free and charming as childhood period. The other members such as parents, grandparents, guardians in the family bear the burden of a child's cares and anxieties. A child in this period always drinks, eats and plays. When I am tired of traveling the present days, I go back to the past period and recollect the memories of my childhood. Oil Charming days: I was born in a middle-class family. Parents loved me much more than I deserved. They gave up their peace and happiness for me. Being the only issue of the family I bathed in the sea of my parents' love and affection. The river Madhumati washes by the western side of the village. For aught I remember, I walked by the riverside holding father's little finger. I spent about half an hour there. There was a small field where I played with my contemporary friends. At the right corner of the field, there was a big bushy tree. Hundreds of birds made their nets there in the tree. At leisure, I went there with a catapult to prey birds and the period I spent for the purpose was very charming and thrilling.
Akika: I can still remember the day of my Akika. A big cow was slaughtered in the name of Allah. I was newly dressed in presence of my friends and relatives. The day was a very charming day as I was the central figure of the day.
The first day at school: Parents consulted at night in taking me to school the following day. My thought of becoming a school going boy provided me with an immense pleasure. On such a day reverend father took me to the Headmaster's room. My heart sank a little as the school was a new thing and a new experience for me. The Headmaster looked grave causing me to feel nervous. When he questioned me smiling, my fear removed and I felt really fresh. Fortunately, I could give satisfactory answers. I was then selected and admitted into class 1. The headmaster took me to the classroom and introduced me there to all in the class. Everything seemed friendly to me but it was a new experience.
My education: I had my early education at my village primary school. Then I became a high school student. There I found many friends. Among them, Montu was a rascal but affectionate. He was of generous disposition with large eyes, bushy hair and strong figure. He was our ringleader.
Experience of a storm: In my childhood, I had a very thrilling experience of some stormy days. When the strong wind blew, I was startled in fear. It seemed that our house might fall a victim to this serious monster. I sat beside grandmother. She also advised me to utter verses from the holy Quran. I did accordingly, When the storm was over, I felt relaxed and my nervousness removed.
During holidays: The holidays in childhood were most astonishing. My friends and classmates came to visit me at home. I went out with them. I spent the holidays in various ways. I swam in the river in league with my friends. I plucked fruits from the trees with them. I also climbed trees with them. I played at marbles at my suit will. Fortunately, no one in the family obstructed me. Many a time I spent some of the holidays in flying kites with our wicked boys in the open square.
Another funny memory: Of all recollections outside the school the memory of an old bearded man remains ever fresh. He used to tell us many funny and interesting stories in a very bewitching manner. His art of telling stories provided me much joy and pleasure. His telling stories made me forget about my parents. Many a time we also burst into a giggling. Driving vulture was a very pastime for me. When I could see a flock of vultures sitting around a dead cow eating its flesh, I along with some of my classmates went there to drive the vulture with stones. This was very pleasing to me. Another interesting memory was the village market where I went on that day with father. The shops, nature of people's buying and selling goods and fancy toys had a great charm for me in childhood. In moonlit night mother spread a mat in the yard. Grandmother told many interesting tales and legends sitting on the mat. I enjoyed the story sitting on her lap. In childhood, I had no crime or offense having no sense of crime and sin.
A painful memory: During my childhood, grandmother suddenly died. It was a great shock for me. This death taught me that none can escape death, it will come sooner or later. Despite more and more crying, we would not get her life back.
Influence on mind: Childhood memory has a great influence on man's later life. So the adult family members should be careful about the children as far as possible.
Conclusion: The happy days of childhood are over. The present life is not so astonishing, thrilling, pleasing and charming as childhood day was. Now I am a young man but still, the sweet memories of those days fill my heart and mind with an immense joy. So I wish I could go back to those charming days again.