Television Essay, Composition and Paragraph for All Class Students
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 6 min Read
Television is a device that combines both hearing and watching With the aid of television things can be seen from a great distance. A scientist named Bayard invented television in 1925. Since then the device has undergone a lot of development. Initially, the sound and picture were not clear. Images were mono-colour. But now televisions produce crystal clear
sounds and images in actual colour. Television is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. It has dramatically changed the definition of news and entertainment lt has also played an important role in the progress of civilization. It also plays a significant role in making people informed and creating public opinion and awareness
Television Compostion
Topics:Introduction, History, Importance, Demerits, Conclusion
Television Compostion - Television is one of the wonders of modern science. It is a popular means of mass communication. It provides both sound and picture at the same time. It is a great source of entertainment. It has linked up the distant parts of the world. We can not do a single day
without it.
John Bayard, an English scientist invented television in 1926. Then it was not so improved. But later, scientists have gradually developed it. Now it is very modern, cheap and easy to operate.
The importance of television beggars description. It is a great source of recreation. Nowadays it is very popular among all classes of people. We enjoy dramas, songs, cultural programmes on
television. It removes our monotony of daily works. We can know and see what is happening in the world through television.
Television helps us in our studies. Sometimes, it is used in distance learning. In such a process, we can learn our lessons staying home. We can also enjoy a debate that is very important.
Television has made the world smaller. It has conquered time and distance. Now we need not go to the stadium to enjoy the game. Before sitting on the television set, we can enjoy it. Even poor people enjoy the most exciting world cup football and cricket event on television. Besides, we get familiar with the customs and traditions of other countries through television. We can observe the social, political, cultural and economic situation of the world through television.
In spite of having a lot of merits, television has some demerits too. Students often waste valuable time before sitting television set. Even, they do not go to play to enjoy television programme. As a result, they do not get good health. Besides, some vulgar programmes telecasted on television hamper the moral character of the youngers.
In the long run, it can be said that though television has some bad sides, it is a very powerful mass media. V It gives us not only recreation but also conveys the pictures of our sorrows and
sufferings to the concerned authority.
Television Essay For All Class Students
Television Compostion -Introduction: Television is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. It has dramatically changed the definition of news and entertainment. It has also played an important role in the progress of civilization. Its role in making people informed and creating public opinion and awareness can be noticed easily.
History: Television is a device that combines both hearing and watching. With the aid of television, things can be seen from a great distance. It is really wonderful that we see the live images of a person singing or talking at a great distance on the screen of a television. It marks a great improvement over the radio. A scientist named Bayard invented television in 1925. Since then the device has undergone a lot of development. Initially, the sound and picture were not clear. Images were mono-color. But now televisions produce crystal clear sounds and images in actual color.
Usefulness: Television is indeed very useful to us. It has brought the entire world within our eyesight. It is an indispensable source of information and entertainment. It entertains us with songs, talks, plays, movies, videos etc. Nowadays, Television is even used to impart education by arranging distant learning programmes on TV. Special programmes are also arranged for children. It is a valuable medium of instruction. Ignorant masses can be educated and given necessary instruction through television.
Abuses: Sometimes it can be used for evil purposes by telecasting wrong and false information. It can also spread harmful elements such as sex and violence. Sometimes TV advertisements try to popularize bad quality products thus causing harm to public interest.
Conclusion: The medium of television has a great influence on people as millions of people watch TV programmes every day for a fairly long time. So proper care should be given to ensure that it does not telecast any harmful material that can jeopardize public
Essay On Television
Topics: Introduction, Invention, How the system works, A source of entertainment,
Television Compostion - Its educative value, Merits, Demerits, Conclusion) Television is one of the latest and most wonderful achievements of modern science. Within the short period of its invention, it has become very popular. It has brought the whole wide world closer to us. It gives us both the picture and sound.
The idea of 'Television at first came to the mind of Paul Nepkev, a German scientist. Afterward, on the basis of his experiment the Scottish scientist, John Byard invented the television in 1925. After much improvement television took the present form in 1945.
The word 'Television' has been formed from two Latin words 'Tele' and 'Vision'. 'Tele' means distance and 'Vision means sight. So the word television means seeing from a distance. Radio works on the system of sending sounds through space by means of electric waves without any wire or connection between stations. Television is based on the excellence of the science of photography. An apparatus known as Cathode Ray Tube is used to break up pictures into numerous divisions of light and shade. These divisions are at once changed into electric current. The television set receives the light waves and passes it inside. It at once changes into light and shade. They are then reflected on the glass screens of the television sets.
Television is a fruitful source of entertainment. It entertains us and teaches us as well. Music, dramas, sports and games, performances by the artists are presented on the television screen. The latest vision of it is the colored TV. It has increased demand & attraction. So to say, it has made television programmes much attractive and amusing.
People can get varied types of lessons from a television, which have much educative value. In a word, it has broken the barrier between the illiterate and the literate.
Television is the most modern means of communicating ideas and thoughts. It serves us more than a radio. It also serves the purpose of our recreation and relaxation. Political leaders can also make the people aware of their programmes and opinions through television. It has made the world small. It has conquered time and distance.
Television has some demerits too. Now and then, students prefer enjoying television to studying. Sometimes immoral films and obscene dances are projected on the television. These are corrupting the young minds. Moreover, false ideas may also be propagated.
Television is a powerful mass-media. It plays a significant role in our daily life. Enjoying television has become a part and parcel of our daily business. So television programmes should be carefully produced. Considering the merits and demerits of television, we can say that the invention of television is a boon of science for mankind.