The Postman Essay /Life of a Postman Essay For Students
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 5 min Read
A postmàn is a much-awaited person who goes from house to house to deliver letters, money order, parcels etc. to the addresses. He puts on khaki dress and carriers a khaki bag on his shoulder. He is the very familiar person in town and village. Though he is a simple man, his service is very valuable in our daily life.
A postman performs various duties. His daily duty begins in the post office. He opens the mailbag and sorts letters. Then he goes out with his bag to deliver letters, money orders, parcels etc. to the addresses. When he delivers these, he takes signatures of the addresses and witnesses. He performs his duties very carefully. Sun, rain, hot, cold cannot stop him. He runs from one place to another at a stretch.
The Post Man cartoon
A postman is very honest, responsible, punctual, dutiful and amiable. He is very industrious. He has to work more than eight hours per day. But he is an ill-paid government employee. He leads a very simple life. He maintains his family somehow. His children do not get the proper education. In spite of having an asset of the country, he does not get proper dignity.
The importance of a postman beggars description. Our hearts become full of expectations when we see him coming to our house. Sometimes he brings letters containing good news. Sometimes he brings money orders which help the receiver much. Sometimes he brings important books. Sometimes he brings gifts which make fill our heart with joy. In a word, he plays an important role in our daily life.
Though a postman has to do a heavy duty, his pay is very low. Poverty always drives him. He leads a very miserable life. So, he should be given a better salary so that he can lead a decent life.
Essay on A POSTMAN
The Postman Essay - Introduction: A postman is a familiar figure in our country. He is a government employee and works in the postal department. He is a very useful person for us. We depend on him for sending and receiving emails.
Appearance: A postman usually (সাধারনতঃ) wears (পরিধান করে) a Khaki dress and bears a bag full of letters and parcels over his shoulder. Sometimes he rides on a bicycle.
Duties: A postman has to do a lot of work. His work starts at the post office early in the morning. He opens the mailbox and sorts out the letters and parcels. He delivers (প্রদান করে) the outgoing mails to the runner and collects mails and parcels to be distributed in his area. Then he sets out to deliver the mails and parcels at the specific addresses. In towns, he drops the mails and parcels at the mailboxes. Where there is no mailbox, he throws the letters through the doors and windows. For delivering the registered mails, money orders, and parcels he meets the addressed persons at specific addresses.
The life of a postman: In spite of his hard labor a postman receives a very scanty (4te) salary. His family is not well off. With his meager income, he cannot meet the bare necessities of his family. So, he is always in the need.
Conclusion: A postman is a great friend to us. In villages, where everybody knows him personally, people share their joys and sorrows with the postman and treats him like a member of the family.
A Postman Paragraph For Junior Level Students
(Introduction, Description, His daily work, Usefulness, Qualities of a good postman, Conclusion)
A Postman Paragraph - The man who goes from door to door in his daily rounds of duties and delivers letters, telegrams, parcels, money-orders, postcards, postage stamps etc. to the addressee is called a postman. So to speak, he is a popular figure in cities, towns, and villages. He is a very humble servant of the Government.
He puts on a 'Khaki uniform'. It is given to him by the Government. He carries the letters in a leather bag. In fact, he is well known to us.
The mail bags arrive at the Post Office. Then he begins his daily duty which is not easy. First of all, he delivers letters, money orders and other postal goods to the waiting persons at the post office.
Secondly, he goes from door to door with letters, parcels, money-orders etc. and delivers them to the owners. In case of the registered letters, money-orders and parcels, he has to take the signature of the addressee and of a witness. The postman does his duties in the rain, in the storm, and in the sun. He has to walk a long distance to finish his duties timely. In a village market, he can meet people from different villages. In a town, he hardly mixes with the people. Though his job status is insignificant, his duties are great. Indeed, he performs a lot in the society.
The postman is a messenger of fate. He brings us both good and bad news from our friends and relations. We always eagerly wait and welcome the postman.
The postman is still ill-paid. Yet he is responsible, punctual and dutiful. He is always honest and conscious of his duties. If he is irregular, careless and lazy, the society will face great difficulties.
The postman is a very important person in our society. He renders faithful and essential service to us which is very significant. However, we must admit that he is a great friend of our society. Therefore, we should be sympathetic to him. In a word, we can say that he is a part and parcel of the modern civilized world.
Post Man Essay For Junior Class Students
The Postman Essay - A postman is a person who goes from house to house to deliver letters, money orders, parcels etc. to the addressees. He is a familiar figure. He plays an important role in the society. He puts on khaki dress and carries a khaki bag on his shoulder. He is a government service holder. He opens the mailbag and sorts letters daily. Then he goes out to deliver letters, money orders, parcels etc. He goes from place to place by his bicycle. A postman is very sincere and dutiful. He performs his duties very carefully. He is very honest and industrious too. He has to work more than 8 hours per day. He works just like a machine. Nevertheless, he does not receive sufficient salary. He leads very miserable life. He maintains his family somehow. His children do not get proper education due to poverty. Therefore, government should increase his salary to improve his poor condition.
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