Unemployment problem in Bangladesh Essay, Composition and Paragraph
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 15 min Read
Unemployment means lack of productive work or occupation. It is a state where somebody does not have a job for earning his living. It is detrimental both to one's personal status as a human being and to the economy of a country as a Whole. There may be many causes of unemployment. First of all, mass unemployment is caused to try a general deficiency of demand and affects nearly all the industries at the same time. Secondly, a change in demand causes structural unemployment. Thirdly, unemployment is caused by technological progress as fewer people are needed for doing some jobs due to the invention of new machinery or process. Fourthly, seasonal
unemployment occurs in some types of work. ln some industries, production is done only in a certain part of the year. Lastly, there are also some unemployed people who are not fit for work due to physical and mental disability ln Bangladesh, more than 15 crore people live in a small land area of 55,598 square miles. As there is a big deficiency in employment and economic activities, a huge portion of people of this country is unemployed. The reasons are mainly limited cultivable land, lack of industrialization, illiteracy, and excessive population. For overcoming the situation initiatives should be taken at the private and public level to remove illiteracy and generates more employment.
unemployment problem
Unemployment problem of Bangladesh
Unemployment problem in Bangladesh Essay, Composition and Paragraph - Unemployment means to remain out of earning the livelihood. When qualified men do not get any work for earning their livelihood is called unemployment problem. At present, this problem is acute in Bangladesh. Thousands of people in our country are Without any job. There are some reasons behind the unemployment problem. The rapid growth of population is the main cause of it. The development in the industrial sector is very slow. We can engage in it only a limited number of people. Most of the people of our country depend on agriculture. Nevertheless, our cultivable land is very limited. Our education system is also responsible for the unemployment problem. it is not pragmatic. There are a large number of bad effects of the unemployment problem. It is a barrier to all kinds of development. Unemployed men are the burden to the country.
They become addicted to drugs and involvement in crimes. However, there are some possible solutions to it. Population growth must be controlled. A large number of mills, factories and industries should be set up where many of our unemployed youths will get the opportunity to work. A great change should be brought into our education system. Above all, to change the attitude of our educated youths is essential to remove this curse from the society.
Unemployment problem in Bangladesh Essay
Unemployment problem in Bangladesh Essay, Composition and Paragraph - The unemployment problem is one of the greatest problems of our country. At present a large part of the active educated and skilled people in our country are unemployed. In other words, there are fewer jobs and facilities for work than there are people who can work and are ready to work. As a result, many people are unemployed and have to live in utter poverty.
There was a time when there was no unemployment problem in this country. Most of the people could easily earn their livings somehow or other. But with the passage of time, as the' population grew bigger and bigger, the unemployment problem emerged. But population growth cannot be considered as the only cause of the unemployment problem. The problem should be judged from a historical perspective.
Earlier, most of the people of our country were employed in agriculture, cottage industry, and handloom industry. There was no severe unemployment problem as most of the population were easily absorbed in these lines. But during the reign of the English colonialists, the backbones of these industries broke down. As a result, many people became unemployed. Gradually, with the increase in population, the number of unemployed people have deadeningly multiplied.
A big cause of unemployment lies in historical perspectives. We all know that the advent of the Industrial Revolution in England was gorgeous and very influential. Its influence scattered all over the world very soon. It accelerated the amassing of wealth by those who were already wealthy by obviating the dependence of the production process on workers. One machine conquered the place of hundreds of people. Thus the machines became a great weapon of the rich for exploiting the working class. As a result, job-opportunities decreased dramatically. But this is not the end of the story. Nowadays most of the machinery has been made automated, which are serving as substitutes for thousands of people. This has created an unemployment problem on a great scale.
Since, however, most of the countries of the world have become industrialized, we should try to keep up with them. Otherwise, we shall have to remain backward. But we have become independent only some years ago. And for this reason, our economy is still in a lower stage of development. We have not been able to recover the great loss that we had to suffer during the .my rule of exploitation
We are still .dependent on our agriculture. Industrialization has not taken its roots very firmly in our country. Moreover, we have not yet been able' to employ the modern technologies to our agriculture. Very few people of our country are skilled and equipped with the necessary knowledge and techniques.
The number of vocational training institutes is also very small. All this backwardness inevitably leads us to a bad consequence and that is unemployment.
The number of educated people is very small in our country. Most of those who are educated are not highly skilled. Women are almost half in the number of the total population. But very few of them are educated. Superstitions and ignorance have shackled them clown in the darkness of more ignorance.
They cannot lend their hands to the development activities of the country. Consequently, they are a big burden on the economy. They only consume and produce little. The result is poverty, less production, less profit, and less investment which means fewer opportunities for employment. We seem to have been caught in the eddy of this vicious cycle of poverty. And this sad plight of our economy nourishes the unemployment problem.
The consequences of severe unemployment are many. it cripples the easy movement of the economy. The future of the economy and the political conditions become uncertain. large and the most important part of the population~the youth- becomes a wastage. of the society. And it is known to all that the country which can not utilize the strength of its young people can never become self-sufficient and all-in-all. Inevitably, these young people may go astray or become a menace to the society by indulging in unfair political movements. The consequences of these are very bad: poverty, illiteracy, lack of peace. ln the words of David Hume: A nation can never progress with a part of its people unemployed.
But, however acute the unemployment problem is, it is not unsolvable. We can tackle this problem by taking the following measures.
Firstly,'a drastic change has to be brought about in the present educational system. We have to ensure. that the education we provide to our young people does not make them fit only for clerical jobs; they have to be made skilled in technical jobs too. If this is done, our young people will not have to depend on external job opportunities alone; they will be able to be self-employed too and this will reduce the unemployment level.
Secondly, the establishment of cottage industry, handloom industry, vocational training centres etc. have to be encouraged. Thus a lot of job opportunities can be created.
Thirdly, initiatives have to be taken by the government to industrialize the country. To ensure this the private sector investors are to be encouraged.
Fourthly, vocational training centres have to be established only for those who are unemployed. And if possible, some allowances may be granted to the unemployed people. Owing to the dramatic increase in the population, the number of unemployed people is increasing horrifyingly. Therefore, it goes without saying that population control is the most important measure to be taken. Moreover, all the people of all levels from the society have to be made aware of the importance of population control.
Unemployment Problem in Bangladesh Essay
Topics: (Introduction, A great social evil, Causes of unemployment,
Our educational system, Solution, Conclusion).
Unemployment problem in Bangladesh Essay, Composition and Paragraph - Bangladesh is an overpopulated country. The growth of population is increasing by leaps and bounds in Bangladesh. It is burdened with various kinds of problems. Among them, the unemployment problem is an acute one. Employment is an occupation but unemployment is the opposite of employment. The increasing people surpasses all economic development. So, the country faces an unemployment problem which is indeed a great malady for our country.
Unemployment is a great social evil. An unemployed man has to lead a vagabond life. Life becomes a curse and a burden to him. They become sick of idleness and try to shake off their problems by avoiding the reality. An analysis of social evils shows that many of them have unemployment at their root.
It is undoubtedly true that unemployment is a worldwide problem. Moreover, our country is industrially very backwards. There are insufficient mills, factories, and firms in our country. Cottage industries are also fading out. The mills and factories can give limited opportunity. So, we can't increase land and economic depression automatically comes in.
The system of our education and the attitude of our average students are responsible for creating unemployment problems. It doesn't offer vocational training. Most of our students think that service is more honourable than an independent business.
The unemployment problem is a very difficult problem. Bangladesh has to be industrialized on a large scale for solving the problem of unemployment. Cultivators should also be inspired to give up primitive methods of cultivation. A large number of mills, factories, firms and vocational institutions should be established throughout the country.
Bangladesh will never be free from unemployment problem until her growth of population is checked. The rapid growth of population has created tremendous pressure. Therefore, the population in Bangladesh has become a liability. It should be made an asset. Hence, there is no substitute for the population problem. Family planning also checks the growth of population. Let us hope for better days to come.
Unemployment problem in Bangladesh Essay, Composition and Paragraph -Introduction: Unemployment means lack (WEN) of productive work or occupation. It is a state where somebody does not have a job for earning his living. It is detrimental both to one's personal status as a human being and to the economy of a country as a whole.
Causes of Unemployment: There may be many causes of unemployment. First of all, mass unemployment is caused by a general deficiency of demand and affects nearly all the industries at the same time. Secondly, a change in demand causes structural unemployment. Thirdly, unemployment is caused by technological progress as fewer people are needed for doing some jobs due to the invention of new machinery or process. Fourthly, seasonal unemployment occurs in some types of work. In some industries, production is done only in a certain part of the year. Lastly, there are also some unemployed people who are not fit for work due to physical and mental disability.
Bangladesh Perspective: Bangladesh is a small country with a total land area of 55,598 square miles. But over 15 crore people live in this small country. As there is a big deficiency in employment and economic activities, a huge portion of people of this country is unemployed. The reasons may be numbered as follows.
1.Limited Cultivable Land: Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. For centuries, most of the people of this country are dependent on agriculture. But the area of cultivable land of the country is dwindling day by day with the increase in population. As a result, the scope of employment in the agricultural sector is also decreasing.
2. Lack of Industrialization: Bangladesh is not an industrialized country. The industrial sector of the country is much weak and cannot provide jobs for many people.
03. Excessive Population: The density of population in this country is exorbitantly high. It is one of the main reasons for unemployment in the country.
04. Illiteracy: Illiteracy is another reason for unemployment in the country. An illiterate person lacks skill and cannot employ himself in productive activities, whereas a literate person can make proper use of his opportunities and create scope for
How to create more Employment Opportunity: Certain steps may be taken to create more employment facilities and remove illiteracy from this country. Such steps include
- Sponsoring and encouraging cottage industries. The government should create the proper environment and provide more facilities. Bangladesh Small and Cottage industries corporation is already working in this field but its scope needs to be broadened .
- More aggressive steps should be taken for exporting skilled and unskilled manpower to foreign countries.
- Illiteracy should be removed from this country. Moreover, people need to be furnished with vocational education
- More steps have to be taken for the industrial development of the country.
Conclusion: The unemployment situation of the country is so severe that _we cannot expect any dramatic change overnight but the pace of change can certainly be accelerated if we continue trying sincerely.
Unemployment Problem Essay
Unemployment problem in Bangladesh Essay, Composition and Paragraph -Introduction: Bangladesh is a developing country in South Asia. The major portion of her people still remains unemployed creating an acute problem for her.
Reasons for unemployment: Bangladesh is a small country with a huge population. Her job-creation/facility can hardly keep pace with the increased population, let alone increasing ones. The employment trends have really been disturbing as there has been a rapid decline in self-employment and salaried employment.
The recent opening up of Bangladesh economy, liberalization, the arrival of multinational companies and foreign investments have not made necessary improvement in the prevailing situation of Bangladesh. There are more people than job facilities. If there remains a single post vacant for any job, hundreds of applicants fly there to compete for the written test or face the interview.
Many a time efficiency of labor, skilled persons are ignored due to the force of circumstances, Unsuitable candidates are provided with suitable jobs and vice-versa.
The system of Education: The system of education introduced in our country is defective or unpractical or inapplicable, Besides, this education system is obsolete, out-dated and old-aged. Thousands of graduates and post-graduates pass out colleges and universities are not eligible for public/govt. jobs or services or self-employment. Rather they are fit for white color works in offices as clerks or office assistants.
Our education system needs to be changed fundamentally to meet up industrial, technological and vocational needs. Previously, education was for education's sake, but today education is for money's sake." Hence our education system should at an early date be made/introduced job-oriented.
The situation prevailed in unorganized sectors in rural agriculture and urban areas are equally alarming. Expert hands are rare in the field of employment, so our hands become idle and stomachs remain empty. Every job needs expert and experienced hands which are very rare or found once in a blue moon.
Liberation War: During the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971 assets and wealth were destroyed and inhumanly looted. The newly formed govt. after independence got, so to speak, nothing but relics. Still the govt. cannot meet up or make up the loss. Since Then the country lost job facilities. Very recently we have celebrated the Silver Jubilee of freedom but there is nothing to celebrate as far as employment in the country is concerned.
The problem of unemployment is becoming explosive and the govt. and the political leaders have done nix substantial so far to address this problem. The pointers in this regard are really dismal and a cause of great concern. In the organized sector to the job-creation scene has equally been discouraging and remaining hopeless.
Nature of employment: Unemployment has two aspectrural unemployment and urban unemployment. Rural unemployment is seasonal or disguised. Seasonal unemployment in rural areas rests from crop rotation and disguised one results from the lack of proper opportunity at the rural level. Urban unemployment is either industrial or educational.
The industry refuses to accept the engineer, CA and MBA graduates and other technically trained professionals because they arise from rural and semi-rural Backgrounds. The educated unemployed are those individuals who are either unemployed for high qualification or underemployed as a result of wrong job-profile. In either case, frustration forces them to the hill to a new job.
Disadvantages: Unemployment problem in Bangladesh is heute and has been chronic. The unemployed people and their families live a very miserable life. They include educated, learned, gained, skilled, semi-skilled and the illiterate people. The unemployed people become immoral, rebel, rapacious, technocrats, daring, vindictive, malicious, envious, restless and whatnot as a result of tension
"An idle brain is the devil's workshop"- goes a maxim. they become drug addicted and take illegal means of earning and making money. Many of them commit suicide because of their long-standing torment of unemployment and lack of any means of.
Remedy: Steps for providing the unemployed and the jobless should be taken at an early date. Emphasis should be given on agriculture, agro-based industries, and cottage industries. Vocational education needs to be introduced to make them skilled with practical working experience so that they can contribute to the national income.
More and more job facilities need to be given to the educated boys and girls to provide them with such jobs as suit them in accordance with their skills, experience, and fitness. The competent ones should be provided with suitable jobs so that they can work skillfully. Their experience and skills should be treated with a satisfactory salary, honorarium, and remuneration.
The govt must sponsor schemes for small-scale entrepreneurship for the semi-literate and the illiterate as well. These schemes need to be turned to the needs or requirements of the employed. Red-tapism and corruption in the govt. departments prevent the funds from being granted to the needy entrepreneurs. This should be *cheeked and removed for their well-being.
Conclusion: To conclude we must state that the unemployment issue must be tackled with the utmost care and seriousness as it has assumed an alarming situation hammering the country's economy.