Essay On War And Peace – For All Class Students
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 6 min Read
Man, the noblest child of Nature, has waged wars among themselves to fulfill his own selfish desires or to satisfy his eccentric purposes. In the process of the gradual evolution of civilization, many by-products have emerged.
War is the ultimate consequence of these by-products. The man at times has made a shamble of this patient earth. He has thrown into dust the palaces he made with his own hands, has tinged his hands with the sacred blood of his own brethren. He has at times played with life as if it were a trifling plaything. But peace-loving people do not want war, what they want are peace and happiness.
Naturally, man is thirsty for peace. He believes in peace. Yet why do wars take place? Maybe man acquired some amount of beastliness from the struggles he had to do with wild animals and natural calamities in the ancient times. Or maybe some people are inherently beastlike by birth.
But whatever the reason, though they want to disguise their beastlike nature under the costumes of modern education etiquettes and modesty, their real nature at times gets disclosed. Then we see the primitive intransigent beast in him. Such people are always fond of destruction games. And war is an inevitable consequence of their willful thoughts and desires.
The world could have become a good paradise by virtue of the gifts it was offered by the industrial revolution in Europe. But, much to peoples' surprise, by being instigated by a handful of greedy people, some countries of Europe spread over the other parts of the world with the power in hand which the revolution equipped them with.
An orgy of blood started. They started to exploit the power of science to fulfill their ill-motives. They not only robbed people of their wealth, but they also sucked their blood, killed them, tortured them; and more pitiably, they waged wars as and when they met problems in the distribution of power and wealth with their rival robbers. Thus, war broke out like an epidemic almost all over the world. The current trend of the world is but an extension of that historical evil.
War means destruction, carnage, and a backward movement from progress. People thrills at the destruction and decimation that took place at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Thousands of innocent men women and children who were blithely thriving in the free atmosphere of nature had to die an immature death. War is, therefore, a curse.
No party benefits from it-neither the winner nor the defeated. The nacked danger of war has been seen in the Gulf-war, in the freedom struggle of Chechnia, in the civil war of Bosnia and Afganistan, in the freedom struggle of Palestine, and in dozens of other wars.
From the legendary and mythological history, we hear of the devastating battles of Lanka, Troy, and Karbala. None of these wars has ever brought about any good for any human being or tribe or nation. It is, undoubtedly, always destructive.
To what direction is the world moving in this age? Where can we hunt the elusive golden-deer of peace? When we look at the developed countries, we have little hope seeing that they are being. tickled by arms-competition. Under the veil of fake fraternity and courtesy flash the savage fangs of doubts and disbelieves.
The fundamental philosophical contradiction between socialism and democracy is always fanning the cinder of an ever-living outrageous war among various countries. However, people have taken a revolutionary initiative to catch hold of the golden-deer of peace by establishing the United Nations Organization. Now there are many official discussion-rooms in Geneva for peace talks. One scholar, during the second world war, made the following comment about Geneva.
"Geneva gave me the impression of archaeological remains, with the dead bodies of hundreds of international organizations that had their headquarters there."
Perhaps the same comments, at least to some extent, can be made of today's UNO.
Peace is like happiness—the more given away, the more received. And maybe that is why there is a paucity of them both in today's world. Here most people, at least most of those who lead other people, are very greedy, egotistic, or self centred.
Each of them has different aims, different purposes, different ways. But if there were only one main goal of everyone-world-peace, then there would actually be peace. No matter whatever the difference between various systems or philosophical beliefs, we all can easily disregard it for a greater peaceful world.
We have to ensure nonproliferation and mutual tolerance. The UNO should now come forward with more strength and liberality. We have built up our civilization by thousands of years of effort. So, we must not damage it, or let anyone damage it simply because we or somebody of us is angered. "We must love one another or die."
Essay About War
Introduction: Civilization is a way of life in which the wilder passions of humanity are restrained, the nobler instincts and inclinations are developed and allowed to prevail. As civilized men we want the all-around development of human culture, literature, science and the arts, giving goodbye to the jungle laws, In a word, civilization is a state when the highest ideals of the human society are attained.
All things are naturally and spontaneously reflected in man's thoughts and actions. If we admire the civilization of ancient Greece and Rome, it is not for the wars that they waged, but for their literature, art, and architecture, their philosophic thoughts.
Historical background : History teaches us one thing, that is, man has attained his highest civilization in times of peace. The military success of ancient time was only to illustrate the greatness of the human mind that then exploits of heroic fighters displayed. But imagine the cost of wars. Men, money and material have been wasted for sheer destruction.
War-lords often claims that war is a healthy tonic and should be waged to re-establish moral values. They offer a dangerous plea - that war is unavoidable and that civilization has progressed in the powder cart. But compare the achievements of the premise paths of peach in the tapoban of ancient Greece, or the schools and University of the modern world. The argument that some thinkers advance that war is necessary for the development of many virtues. am a
A sentiment: Civilization is a sentiment which results in peace. So disturbance of peace destroys the conditions on which civilization depends. In the first place, war rouses the brutal passions of the human mind where man is less than human. It is Organised butchery, mass killing of young men at the doorstep of life, Civilization implies a high standard of social behavior that encourages the finer sentiments; jet Loro Sebi
A destructive science: War is a science of destruction. It is not certainly favourable to these. On the contrary, it makes men cruel, greedy and selfish. More war carries destruction what man has created over the years. Modern war carries destruction even to areas of peace, inhabited by civil population.
Cities and corn fields and bridges and factories are blasted out by heavy bombing from the air. It puts back the hands of the progress of years, and man has to build afresh what he had created with so much money and toil.
Finally, modern war demands a people's all-out efforts, and little time left to devote to art and architecture. To be thinking all the time