Dignity Of Labour Essay: Suitable For All Class Students
- Abdul Aouwal
- May 21, 2024
- 8 min Read
Work or labor has no alternative. There is no shame in working. All must work according to their ability. Man can not, and should not, live without labour. Although man is the greatest creature of the universe, he has to earn his own bread; nobody brings him his livelihood by a wave of any magic wand. Whatever he needs, he must acquire through hard work. If anyone wants to have anything without undertaking the burden of labour, he has io indulge in illegal activities which deserves no dignity at all.
Labour gives us life and livelihood. That is why it is above all other things in life.
The main success of man's life is to strike a unique balance between his needs desires or dreams and achievements. What man wants really exits in the world. But if he wants to have it, he has to labor hard. He has to earn all this: his bread for survival, knowledge, success, wealth, friendship, fame and all other things that he craves for. Likewise, social status, historical identity, esteem from others—these all need to be procured through hard labor. If there is to be anything called luck, then it must be a series of blanks that must be filled up by hard labor. Or, more specifically
"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."
So, preparation must be there. Nothing can actually come to man from the empty luck.
Likewise, we have to define fate in a practical way. It can be said that fate is the external environment of man which he directly or indirectly reacts to but can not control. It is, in other words, a set of restrictions. We can not, as has already been said, control fate, but we can easily control ourselves. And it can be possible by dint of labour. Hence the saying goes:
"When fate shuts the door, come in through the window."
Therefore, labor makes everything possible. Without it, nothing can be done or achieved. Even any religious practice without any labor has no value. Pure religion is what we do after our prayer is over. Prayer is indeed a preparation. For this reason, labor is given the most importan in all religious books of the world.
The idle brain is the root of all evils, they say. This may do big harms to the society as well as the nation. Thoughts which are aloof from work or labour do not advance much; they reduce into daydreams and fancies. An author aptly says, " There is no such way by which man can escape from labour, and the act of thinking is more laborious."
No labor is detestable. The thinking of the scholar, the leading of the leader, the advice of the specialist all these are as essential as to us as the labor of the cooley, the day laborer, the sweeper, the farmer, the hawker, the shopkeeper, the clerk, and all others. If we abhor the work of the sweeper and he postpones his work only for two days, then this gentlemanly town life of ours will become a hell. Likewise, if the cobbler ceases to work, and yet we want to keep our status intact, then we ourselves will have to become cobblers, at least for our own purposes. Therefore, all types of work are dignified and valuable. We all are labourers.
But it is a matter of great regret that in this sub-contiment, even in this modern age, people are socially classified according to what they do, and consequently, are considered as of varying status. We consider that labourer as mean but for whose labour we could not have been in the so-called higher position. It is very sad. No nation believing in such incongruous classification of mankind has ever prospered enough. In the developed countries, a labourer is most esteemed. All kinds of labour are encouraged there. We too should take lessons from their examples.
Only labour has made it possible to create the great things of the world. The Taj, the Great Wall of China, Mona Lisa-all these are fruits of unfatigued labour. Nothing has been, can be, and will be possible without labour.
In conclusion, a famous man can be quoted: "Man's greatest friends are the ten fingers of his hands." He is quite right. But it should not be forgotten that physical labor and mental labor are complementary to each other.
Dignity of labor essay 2
Topic: (Introduction, Classification, Importance, Manual labor does not make man low, Conclusion)
The work of a clerk, a teacher, a professor, a lawyer, a doctor does not require much physical labor. On the contrary, the work of a cultivator, a miner, an artisan requires physical labor. When we say that the work of the cultivators, miners, artisans etc. is as respected as the work of the clerk, the teacher, the lawyer, and the doctor, we mean there is the dignity of labor.
There are two kinds of labor-manual and intellectual. Each of them has the dignity of its own and none is inferior to the other.
There is a great importance of manual labor in human life. We grow crops, build houses and factories, construct roads and streets etc. by manual labor. Manual labor is also necessary for the fields, mines, mills, and ships. If the sweepers, the porters, the carpenters, mason, the blacksmith, and the peasants did not perform their duties, the whole of mankind could not have enjoyed the present result of civilization. It gives us good physical exercise and so keeps our body fit and strong. It helps the continuation of our existence in this world. We cannot live without food, drink, clothes, and houses. But these are gifts of manual labor. So manual labor is more essential than the intellectual.
In our country, people usually do not respect manual labor. They think that manual labor lowers down their position in society. So they hate manual labor. A man with a little bit of education does not even wash his own clothes because of his vanity.
But this picture is quite different in the developed countries of the world. For instance, Tolstoy came of a very rich family. He himself did manual work like another peasant. Great men of the world believe that manual labor can never lower down the prestige of a man.
At present, the outlook of our countrymen has not yet completely changed. But we should understand that manual labor makes a man great and dignified. An ordinary laborer without education is better than an educated idle man. So, we should feel that there is the dignity of labor in every sphere of life.
Dignity Of Labor Essay 3
Introduction : Everything has its own dignity whatever it may be. It is dignified in accordance with its utilization and utility. It is the most valuable powerful element of success in life.
Kinds of labor: Labour is of two types-manual and intellectual. Each of them should have a dignity of its own. But unfortunately, most of our educated persons have a wrong idea of manual labour. Consequently, they look down upon the people engaged in manual work. In such a context we should keep in mind that manual labour has noting debasing about it.'
Manual labor: Manual labor is at the root of our livelihood. The food, drink, clothes, and houses without which we cannot live are all the gifts of manual labor. It is manual labor that drives the plow and reaps the harvest. It grinds the corn and turns it into bread. It spins the thread and weaves our clothes. It lays brick upon brick and builds our houses. Manual-workers are thus the backbone of a nation. In western countries, all house-hold works are done by the people themselves. They have to clean their own floors and wash their own bathrooms. There is no porter to carry their pieces of luggage. A passenger has to carry his own bag. A carpenter, a mason or an electrician has his own dignity.
Intellectual labor: Labour of this type is dignified to many. Working in the office, bank, insurance company etc is regarded as intellectual labor. It has a touch with manual labor. The country's development in the international field depends on it. Science, literature, culture, technology etc are intellectual labor. But unfortunately, many people in our country still think that manual labor is not dignified. It is ridiculous to think that a clerical job is more dignified than manual work in agriculture, horticulture, carpentry, pottery, tailoring, book-binding, spinning, weaving, dairy, poultry etc. This false notion should be changed. It is especially important in the context of the economic realities of the country. Indeed this dignity of labor may be a powerful means of combating the problem of unemployment which is becoming large in our country.
Importance: Dignity of labor has an important role in the country. No nation can develop unless her people undergo any labor. If we consider the developed countries, we find that the people of those countries did not hesitate but labored hard. Labour of any kind is dignified as it can give everything to society. The nation's development depends largely on labor. All the great men in the world labored hard and achieved dignity.
Difficult to provide employment: We cannot expect that every educated young man would be given a secured and comfortable job with a chair and a table and a fan in an office or in a bank. We must admit that no government can provide employment to all the unemployed youths.
Labour gives dignity: Hence self-reliance and dignity of labor may be the only reasonable way to solve the problem of unemployment. We should remember that God has given us not only the head but hands also. We should fully utilize these gifts to enrich our lives. Moreover, those who are engaged in intellectual jobs should do some manual works for keeping a balance between the two for a normal and healthy life.
Teaching dignity of labor: Thus we should have an ideal position of manual labor in our society. And for this, the dignity of labor should be taught from childhood. If every child is asked to do his or her own work as much as possible, it will be good for the future struggle of life. We should all bear in mind that work is worship and in this way, the dignity of labor should be recognized in its due importance.
Conclusion: Labour of any kind pays much more than anything else. It helps contribute to the economic development of an individual and a nation.