Student Life Composition & Paragraph For All Class
- Abdul Aouwal
- June 12, 2024
- 21 min Read
The student life is the period of life we spend in educational institutions in acquiring knowledge. It is the time for having prepared for struggle in later life. It is called the seedtime ( বীজ বপন করার সময়) of human life, as our achievements in life depend on our performance in our student life. The first and foremost duty of a student is to gather knowledge. In this period a student prepares himself for different duties in the future. In schools, colleges, and universities teachers help them to equip themselves with necessary qualities. If this period is neglected they are sure to suffer. Along with the coursework they should also try to acquire knowledge about the current affairs and all sorts of important issues. Having an extended reading and building a reading habit will help them throughout their life. A student should also take proper care of his health. It is said that 'Health is wealth'. A man without a sound health cannot prosper in any field. So it is necessary to maintain good health. For this purpose taking regular nutritious food, having proper physical exercise and maintaining good habits of cleanliness is very much necessary. A student needs to make the best use of his lime. He must not confine himself to his class books only. He should read other good and informative books, newspapers, magazines, and periodicals, too. Students will be the future leaders of the nation. They are the hope and strength of a nation. So, this time should be used properly (যথাযথভাবে) in constructive (গঠনমূলক) and preparatory (প্রস্তুতিমূলক) activities for ensuring (নিশ্চিত করা) a bright future.
Student Life Essay and Paragraph
Student Life Paragraph (150 Words)
Students are the future leaders of a nation. After equipping themselves fully with education, they need to come forward to serving the nation for the betterment (উন্নতি). To this end (এই উদ্দেশ্যে) it is imperative (জরুরী) that they get a clear idea about the society and the social problems. It can also be expected that they will devote (উৎসর্গ) themselves in serving (সেবা করা) the society from the beginning. There is enough scope for the students to serve society. Bangladesh is beset with many problems. The major ones are illiteracy, population growth, unemployment, superstition, lack of health and sanitation, terrorism, natural calamities etc.. Students can play an active role in removing some of the social problems. For this, they need not hamper their studies. They can serve society in their spare times and long vacations.
Student Life / Duties of a Student Essay
Topics: [Introduction, Duties, Voluntary Work, Conclusion]
Student Life Essay - Student life is the best period of a man's life. It is called the sowing season of life. During this period, a student must cultivate some good qualities for a bright future.
The first and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. But, he must not confine himself to the prescribed books only. He must read a newspaper, magazines, nobles, dramas during his leisure. This kind of reading will widen their mental horizon and enable them to be acquainted with many things of the world. Moreover, he should follow some rules and regulations. He should not waste valuable time. He should attend his class regularly.
We know that good health is the key to success. To be successful in life, a student must take care of his health. To keep his body fit, he should take regular physical exercise. Because physical exercise helps to keep good health.
A student has also some duties to the people of the society. We know that most of the people in our country are poor and illiterate. A student can teach the illiterate people. He can help the villagers to change their poor condition. He can teach them about family planning, health, nutrition, children rising and scientific method of cultivation etc. During natural calamities, people need help. In a time of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake, and epidemic students should come forward to help the affected people. They should collect food, clothes, medicine etc. and distribute them amongst the affected people.
A student should respect his parents and teachers. He should be well-behaved, punctual and disciplined in every sphere of life. He must abide by the rules and regulations of his institution. He must be gentle and amiable. He must also avoid the evil company.
A student life is a time when he sows of his future life. So, he should prepare his lessons regularly and proper use of time. She should not waste time idly. A student should bear in mind that if he does not perform his duties in time, he will suffer in the long run.
Student Life Essay - Introduction: The student life is the period of life we spend in educational institutions in acquiring knowledge. It is the time for having prepared for struggle in later life. It is called the seedtime of human life, as our achievements in life depend on our performance in our student life.
Study is the Foremost Duty: The first and foremost duty of a student is to gather knowledge. In this period a student prepares himself for different duties in the future. In schools, colleges, and universities, teachers help them to equip themselves with necessary. qualities. If this period is neglected they are sure to suffer.
Besides, the coursework they should also try to acquire knowledge about the current affairs and all sorts of important issues. Having an extended (Pamo) reading and building a reading habit will help them throughout their life.
Maintaining Good Health is Important: It is said that 'Health is wealth'. A man without a sound health cannot prosper in any field. So it is necessary to maintain good health. For this purpose taking regular nutritious food, having proper physical exercise and maintaining good habits of cleanliness is very much necessary.
Proper Use of Time: A student needs to make the best use of his time. He must not confine himself to his class books only. He should read other good and informative books, newspapers, magazines, and periodicals too.
Acquiring Virtues: Student life is the best time to prepare oneself. A student should also strive to furnish himself with virtues like sincerity, timeliness, loyalty, fraternity, and truthfulness. He should also avoid evil company and keep only good friends.
Participation in Political Activities: It is important for the students to be aware of the political situation and problems of the country but they should not get involved in political programme unless it is for any major national importance.
Conclusion: Students will be the future leaders of the nation. They are the hope and strength of a nation. So, this time should be used properly (যথাযথভাবে) in constructive (গঠনমূলক) and preparatory (প্রস্তুতিমূলক) activities for ensuring a bright future.
Duties of a Student Essay
Student Life Essay - Student life is the seed-time of a person. What he/she does in this part of life determines what he/she will be in the future. That is why this life is the life of work, of duties and responsibilities if the latter part of life is to be a life of achievement and success. But what exactly are the duties of this life? Giving a satisfactory answer to this question needs a rather lengthy discussion.
The first and foremost đùty of any student, as everyone opines, is to study. The main study-course of a student consists of the books or materials he/she is supposed to study. These are, undoubtedly, the primary source of knowledge for students. Since these are pre-planned and prepared according to their specific needs, they should first learn from them. A wide range of another reference as well as non-reference books, magazines, articles etc, however, may well be considered equally important in this regard. The study is the worship of a student. And so, study demands the first preference from any student.
But studying does not imply only going through something. It necessarily means a thorough understanding of something in its context, so that there may be no undesirable gap between knowing and being able to apply what has been known. But such understanding is only possible when acquiring knowledge becomes a part of the practical life, or, in other words, goes hand in hand with applying it. Hence the need for discipline, punctuality, and self-will. Every student, for the sake of acquiring knowledge and applying it to real-life situations, must work and behave in a systematic way. This requires that they follow the rules of discipline and punctuality to the letter. This will not only accelerate his/her learning activities but also prepare him/her well in the future.
A student is a student today only because he/she has to be a good citizen in the future. Therefore, another duty becomes obvious--the duty of keeping himself/herself well informed about various needs, resources, capabilities, and dreams of the nation as a whole. From the very preparatory phase of the student life, a student has to try to know his/her country; become a patriot. This calls for their social involvements as well. In the hope of well-equipping himself/herself for the family, the society, and the nation, he/she from the early periods of student life should know the environment, the macro-level trends of the economy and culture, the superstitions, beliefs, dogmas, and general inclinations of the population, and the potentials of the country. He/she has to know how to identify himself/herself with the whole nation with respect to various aspects of its pride and deficiencies. That is, he/she has to grow a sense of belonging.
Apart from the study-related and social activities, a student has some family activities too, because the first field where knowledge acquired is to be applied is the family. For this reason, a student has to get involved in the weal and woe of his/her own family. He/She has to do his/her part in running the family he/she belongs to.
Among all other duties, we can aver, the paramount duty of a student should be to continue learning things and simultaneously applying them in real-life situations. And in no way should there be over-indulgence in anything which could sub-optimize this objective. Because, when the learning-applying nexus is considered anew from another point of view, it is to be believed that action is perfectly fruitful only when it is based on proper studies. Therefore, the main duties of a student are to study, study, and study--sometimes from books, and sometimes from actions.
Student Life Composition
Topics: (Introduction, Importance, Duties, Voluntary work, Result of negligence, Conclusion)
Student Life Essay - The period of a man's life which is passed at schools, colleges, and universities under the proper guidance of teachers to acquire education and knowledge, is said to be the student life. So to speak, it is the most important and happiest period of human life.
Students are the hopes of a nation. Indeed, the students of today are the citizens of tomorrow. The future peace, progress, and prosperity of a country depend on the students. So, we should be conscious, careful and sincere from the beginning of our student life.
Student life is called the seed time of human life. We must learn many good things from our student life. Our main duty is to learn our lessons at school. We must gain knowledge. If we become men of character, people will love us. Our teachers will take great care of. us. A student should abide by discipline himself at home and abroad if he wants to prosper in life. At home, he must respect his elders. Strict discipline at school is very good for us. It teaches us obedience, punctuality, diligence, regularity, good manners, and forbearance. We must learn perseverance. It is the root of all success. We should do everything in time. We should take care of our health. If our health is bad, we can not do anything. We should make friends only with those who are honest, diligent and dutiful and avoid the wicked and the selfish.
During the national emergency, we should enroll ourselves as volunteers and help the people in distress. In the long vacation, we should go to the remote villages and teach the illiterate villagers the three R's.
If the students do not work and do not do all their duties as a student faithfully and sincerely, they are sure to suffer in the future.
Finally, we can say that we are free from cares and anxieties in our student life. Our heart is carefree. Our mind is very simple. We pass our time in merriments. But if we do not perform our duties on time, we shall not be happy in the future. If we want to be happy and prosperous in our future life, we should be dutiful to student life.
Essay on Duties of a Student in Bangladesh
Student Life Essay - Every man or woman has his/her own duties. A student is a part of our community. The primary duty of a student is to study and thereby to acquire knowledge. If he can not equip himself with sufficient knowledge during the formative period of his life, he will not be able to play his role as a responsible citizen in later life. He should also form good habits like early rising and cultivate such noble qualities as punctuality, honesty, and perseverance. He should, above all, learn to discipline himself at home and abroad. He has duties to his parents. He should love and obey them. He ought to do nothing that will displease them.
A student should love his nation. He should have the decision to sacrifice his life for the cause of his nation. In the village mosque, students can set up adult education center at night. To the villagers, they can explain the modern methods of agriculture. They can teach them the rules of health and sanitation. They can teach them how to read and write. They can teach people how to do co-operative farming and get a better harvest. They can teach people to cultivate fishes in ponds, ditches, and canals. They can launch campaigns for planting trees. They can teach the villagers to change this food habits and the utility of different food items for the nutrition of the body.
Thousands of people live in slums. Students should visit the slums and teach the 'illiterate people. They can establish night-schools and help eradicate illiteracy from the country. They can organize welfare centers for the needy. They can also set up libraries and cultural clubs for recreational facilities. They must, however, keep themselves aloof from active politics
Students are the future citizens of a country. They should shape their life in such a way as to prove the pride and glory of their country.
Essay On Duties Of A Student-2
Student Life Essay - Introduction: Man's life on earth is the combination of some periods. One of the best and most pleasing periods of life is student life. It is a most important period. So the period of a man's life spent in schools and colleges to acquire learning, knowledge is student life.
Different from other lives: Student life is quite a different life. It is a period of life without any harm, tension, sorrow, and anxiety. Except studying no other duty and responsibility lie on him. He is a free bird to fly at large here and there.
Duties of a student: A student has many duties and responsibilities to do and perform. His first and foremost duty is to study, He should learn education earn or acquire knowledge mainly from reading books, newspapers, journals, and magazines. He should study hard to cover up the prescribed syllabus which may help him pass the examination.
His other duties besides studies: A student has some other duties to perform. These duties are — social, religious, political, environmental duties. He has also some services for the well being of himself and the nation.
Social duties: A. student is a member of a society. Hence social duties lie on him. It is his moral obligation to do good to society so far as it is possible for him. To reform society, to build up a pure heritage following the lofty idealism of great men and women. To better social standard and to help other social members he should come forward. To make an exploitation-free society he should do some works. He should remember that he constitutes a significant part of society. So he must play, an important role in the progress and prosperity of society. He can open a night school in league with other solvent and interested men in society to impart at least 3Rs knowledge to the common people. He can advise the common people to build up a small family that can go on with the per capita income. He should render a voluntary service to the victimized people during natural calamities like floods, cyclones, etc. all can distribute the relief goods, medicines, and food among the people. He should visit the affected areas to see and observe the sufferings and real conditions of people.
Religious duties: A student has some religious duties to perform. To help a man in distress is a religious duty. He should do good for the prayer houses in league with common people. He should for the first time practice his own religion. Religion keeps a man aloof from taking any kind of intoxication. He should no be drug addicted following the activities of his fellow - men. He should not take up gambling as an interesting point of recreation. So he should refrain from taking anything that may degrade his morality. A student should have an alertness in case of being politically trapped.
His alertness: He should not be in the hand of the country's political leaders. He should not be used by any of them in any case or at any time.
Moral duties: A student has some moral duties. He should respect his teachers or superiors, build up his character, cultivate honesty and truthfulness, determine to make himself a real man etc.
His realization: A student should realize that his bright future largely depends on his properly doing works. He should do all his duties as per his capacities. He may expect to find a bright prospectus in the future.
Conclusion: A student is a citizen of the future. So to make his prospect bright or to shine in life he should do his duties rightly or properly.
Essay on Student life
Student Life Essay - Introduction: The word 'STUDENT' is formed with the initial letters of the following words namely Study, Tolerant, Upright, Dutifulness, Energetic, Nationality and Truthfulness. This is the most important and happiest part of life.
The part of a life spent in educational institutions such as school, college, and university in acquiring or gaining education and knowledge is called student life. It is the high time to build up life as it is regarded as the seed time. The real plant remains hidden in the seed, likewise, a real man does in student life. The seed germinates gradually as the man comes off a student.
His duties: The first and foremost duty of a student is contemplation that stimulates him to study regularly. He goes for a citizen in the future. He after the acquisition of education can give the guidelines to the nation and the land. A country may get ruined for those students who have spoilt themselves.
The first and important duty of a student is to make himself competent through gaining knowledge to lead the country towards a better way of development. Yet we can notice the student's ill-motive, destructive policy, anti-social activities and his alloplastic infringement on social values. The worsening condition of the student makes the nations believe that no great work can be accomplished by him and the nation's hopes and aspirations will be nipped in the bud. It is said that man is going to the realm of education, knowledge, and wisdom. But he has not reformed or rebuilt his character and nature.
In the past, the powerful persons or the persons vested with power built buildings or edifices on dead bodies, sold men and bought as slaves and women in the market as daily commodities for enjoyment and consumption. But today in the civilized world man has become more beastly, albeit he has education, knowledge, and wisdom. He is behaving unmanly, dealing brutally, cheating tactfully, perceiving gently under the cover of religion, artificial honesty, and gentle manners.
Politics: Politics means to lead the country towards prosperity and development. It can reconstruct or rebuild the country. The political leaders by dint of their political thoughts can do better for the country, no doubt. Hence each and every student should gain the true sense of politics and inculcate it into the mind of other people so that they can build up a pure heritage following their sublime idealisms.
Unfortunately, the students of our country are found deviating unexpectedly from the right path of life. They are, at random, used by the political leaders to serve their own purposes and for this, they cannot concentrate on their studies. They feel a great inclination in them to involve themselves into politics.
Students' motives: The students in league with the political leaders are always running after wealth, fame and an established life on earth. They are also becoming aggressive from watching acts of violence on T.V. The leaders are backing the students behind and as a result, the administration remains slack for them. The advantages they can enjoy from the political leaders are a boon or a divine blessing for the students. Now they go to schools, colleges, and universities nominally.
Notions of our students: In the comparison of education with other countries we are lagging behind or more backward. Our firm faith exists more in illiteracy/ignorance, superstitious beliefs, blind support, and in keeping silence than real education, reason, argument, and social reformation. Our culture and tradition and outdated that fail to cope up with modern ones.
The strong greed for power, implementing private interest and over the exercise of power degrades our people especially political leaders and students from the real path. These also make people confused. Our students are being educated emotionally. They do not feel hesitated to be demoralized, crazy, mad with power, and what not.
Condition of institution: Almost all institutions are regarded as mini cantonment where the political leaders are the commanding body and the students are the soldiers to fight for them.
They are found kidnapping, hijacking, throwing acid towards young girls, raping, snatching away the lonely pedestrian, breaking discipline, disobeying the constitutional law, violating governmental orders, taking intoxicants and using unauthorized and unlicensed fire-arms, collecting illegal contributions etc. They are making an alloplastic infringement on social values supported by the big guns or underground and black power.
Reasons for becomings terrors: The students who involve themselves into nasty politics become terrors to the common people. The innocent and polite persons are victimized seriously' by them. They in groups roam about in search of their prey. Many victims are beaten, shot, stricken to death to materialize their purposes. Without going on with their studies, the students drink wine, take drugs and smoke cigarettes by mixing with the bad companies. If the conditions of the students continue in such a way, we cannot expect the country's prosperity, development, and future.
Removal of malpractice: To remove this malpractice, the good idea and conception should be given to the students that the country's future and fate depend entirely on them. They should shun all bad norms of behaviors. They should make them exact men following the doctrines and lofty idealism of the great men. They should read the best authors and form stainless, spotless and excellent character. The govt. and empowered leaders of the country should keep them aloof from their touch.
They should pass a standing order for students so that they cannot be in politics. No terrorist should be allowed to go unpunished. The sanctity and holiness of the institutions in all respects should be maintained. They should be given to understand that they are the worthy sons of the country. One day they will serve the nation and the land.
They should be provided with job facilities after completion of their studies. There will be an arrangement for unemployment allowances. The govt, political leaders and solvent people should come forward to save the students from being spoilt by introducing vocational education, professional education, compulsory education, stipend facilities, and other necessary things.
Next comes the question of an academic institution that helps to spread education. It should be made free from terrorism. Bertrand Shaw said, "The only real tragedy in life is being used by personality minded men for purposes which you know to be base. All the rest is the worst mere misfortune and mortality, this alone is misery, slavery, hell on earth."
Conclusion: Students are the future hopes and aspirations of the country. So they should under no circumstances indulge themselves in politics.