Independence Day of Bangladesh
Are you a student? Are you looking for the Independence Day of Bangladesh Paragraph for the different competitive exam. Here We have provided different types of paragraph and essay for different le...
The world is regarded as a global village. It is a global family and we are the members of it. Despite this, there are different kinds of families within the global village. These families have dif...
Our National Flag
Our national flag is a symbol of our national sovereignty and solidarity. The National Flag of signifies that our country is an independent country. The Flag has special characteristics of the flag...
Friendship is one of the noblest expressions of human relations and instincts. It is a relation existed between heart. Since sincerity and loyalty are the foundation of friendship, it is a boon and...
Importance Of Sports
Sports and games have a great value in our life. They help us to achieve a sound view of life both physically and mentally. They create international brotherhood and reduce enmity among nations. By...
Freedom of Press
A press is the symbol of a free people. An independent well-informed press is a powerful check on arbitrary governments and irresponsible administrators.
Reasons for their freedom...
My Village
Village life has certain charms. Very few people can avoid the attraction of serene life in Bangladeshi villages. Here clustered green trees will provide you shade and chirping of numerous birds wi...
Dowry System
"Wife killed by Husband", "In-Laws Beat the Bride Up", "Wife Bruised and Sent to Her Father's Home", "X's Business is Marriage"— su...
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